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Professional Instruction for development of Psychic Professionals
Christian Toren offers a weekend of mixed psychic training whereby an assortment of modalities is introduced for demonstration, training and exercise - this fun-based experiential weekend is intended to give existing students some shorter, though experiential training and involvement with the plethora of "modalities" that interest psychics.
On these special Weekends, Christian chooses a vast selection from the possibilities below, and creates a correlated weekend of demonstrations, exercises and fun.
Your instructor, Dr. Christian Toren von Lähr is a recognized expert, has been a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM for over a decade, contributes to many televised documentaries and programs, appears on expert panels nationally, and is a consummate lecturer, author and esoteric communicator throughout the country.
Most images are LICENSED for use by ChristianToren.LA and Myst of the Oracle.
The classes reflect the typical descriptions of the individual modalities indicated below, but include special, secret, hidden and wisdom teachings by Master Clairvoyant Dr. Christian Toren, too. This is the plus that makes the differences.
The classes include lecture, but are heavily packed with demonstrations and exercises. In many cases the students will make their own tools and devices, and it some other cases these are gifted to you.
Many modalities will draw from the old-school and old-world teachings, which introduce a bit more drama than in current venues; this will make your participation exciting, fun-filled and enjoyable.
Due to Christian's expert affinity for Nature People/Nature Spirits, where possible these too will be introduced to assist your in your class progress.
... the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of the world. Much more than simply a memory storehouse, however, these Akashic Records are interactive in that they have a tremendous influence upon our everyday lives, our relationships, our feelings and belief systems, and the potential realities we draw toward us … The Akashic Records contain the entire history of every soul since the dawn of Creation. These records connect each one of us to one another.
(see SOAR Master Clairvoyance class)
(see Dragon Workshop)
- you might also be interested in:
(see 05 Automatic Writing)
(see 06 Automatism)
(see 07 Channeling)
(see 10 Claircognizance)
(see 24 Extrasensory Perception)
(see 30 Mediumship)
What are the Akashi Records? In the Akasha, every thought, idea, and action from the past, present, and future is stored ad infinitum. If you’re familiar with String Theory, the Akashic Records is basically like a database of what’s happening in all the universes that are co-existing together.
The Akashic Records are basically a record of what will happen, is happening, or has happened. Because they are a higher dimension, the rules of time don’t really apply. Time is a flat circle to the Akashic Records, so information from 2,000 years ago is as accessible as what happened to you yesterday. And what happened to you yesterday is as available as what could happen to you — if you stay on the same destiny trajectory — in 10 years.
the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of the world. Much more than simply a memory storehouse, however, these Akashic Records are interactive in that they have a tremendous influence upon our everyday lives, our relationships, our feelings and belief systems, and the potential realities we draw toward us … The Akashic Records contain the entire history of every soul since the dawn of Creation. These records connect each one of us to one another.
All Universal Events: In theosophy and anthroposophy, the Akashic records is a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human.
Stored in the Mental Plane: They are believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the mental plane. It is believed all thoughts, words, intent etc. generates its own unique "frequency or vibration" which is stored in the Akashic Records.
Library of the Mystics: For thousands of years, mystics, masters, and sages from various world traditions have read the Akashic Records-a dynamic repository that holds information about every soul and its journey.
Modern interest: Once reserved for a "spiritually gifted" few, this infinite source of wisdom and healing energy is accessible to today's trained Readers.
"How can I find freedom from my past?"
"What is my life's purpose?"
"Will I be successful?"
... production of objects supernaturally
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(see 29 Magic)
(see 37 Projected Thermography)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see 40 Psychic Manifestation)
(see (44 Pyrokinesis)
(see 58 Transmutation)
Apport: In parapsychology and spiritualism, an apport is the alleged paranormal transference of an article from one place to another, or an appearance of an article from an unknown source that is often associated with poltergeist activity or séances.
Apportation: The ability to undergo materialization, disappearance or teleportation of an object. In parapsychology and spiritualism, an apport is the alleged paranormal transference of an article from one place to another, or an appearance of an article from an unknown source that is often associated with poltergeist activity or séances. Apports reported during séances have been found to be the result of deliberate fraud. No medium or psychic has demonstrated the manifestation of an apport under scientifically controlled conditions.
Apporter: [French, literally, action of bringing, thing brought, from apporter to bring, from Latin apportare] : motion or production of an object by a spiritualist medium without apparent physical agency.
... Travel out of the body to Astral Plane
aka Mental Projection
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(see 03 Astral Projection)
(see 20 Dream Telepathy)
(see 31 Mental Projection)
(see 37 Projected Thermography)
(see 40 Psychic Manifestation)
(see 48 Remote Viewing)
(see 55 Thoughtography)
Out-of-Body: The ability to voluntarily project the astral body (consciousness), being associated with the out-of-body experience, in which the astral body is felt to temporarily separate from the physical body.
Astral Projection: Astral projection is a term used in esotericism to describe an intentional out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an "astral body" that is separate from the physical body and capable of traveling outside it throughout the universe.
Intentional Meditation: When we think of having an "out-of-body" experience, we might think of near-death encounters or occurrences that are so surreal, they seem to take you out of your current reality. But the mystical practice of astral projection actually allows people to have spiritual, out-of-body experiences intentionally. You've probably heard the term in passing before, and perhaps are even familiar with the idea of meditating to the point of leaving your body — which sounds kind of supernatural. But turns out the meaning of astral projection is a lot more than that.
... felt by all, but seen by a very few
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(see 66 Ultrascan (Body Scan)
Seeing the Energy field: Psychics have the ability to see the electromagnetic field (a flow of ionized particles if you want to get technical) of all living things, people included. A reader can detect one’s energy by seeing colors, patterns, and vibrations—each exclusive to one another.
Predominant color, and layers: While there are different layers and colors to each person’s aura that all mean different things, every person likely has one predominant aura color. Your aura can change briefly, though, depending on your state of mind.
Dynamic emotional indicator: Like, if you’re experiencing a drastic mood change due to your horrible boss or even-more-horrible boyfriend, your aura will likely reflect that. And other things like physical and emotional trauma or illnesses can also change your aura.
Our best-kept secret: In spiritual alternative medicine, the human being aura is seen as part of a hidden anatomy that reflects the state of being and health of a client, often understood to even comprise centers of vital force called chakras.[1] Such claims are not supported by ordinary scientific evidence and are thus labeled as pseudoscience.[4] When tested under scientific controlled experiments, the ability to see auras has not been proven to exist.[
... writing from a subconscious source
aka Automatism
aka Psychography
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(see 01 Akashic Records)
(see 06 Automatism)
Involuntary Writing: In spiritualism, writing produced involuntarily when the subject’s attention is ostensibly directed elsewhere. The phenomenon may occur when the subject is in an alert waking state or in a hypnotic trance, usually during a séance. What is produced may be unrelated words, fragments of poetry, epithets, puns, obscenities, or well-organized fantasies.
Supernatural Authors: During the late 19th century, at the height of popular interest in the phenomenon, inspiration for automatic writing was generally attributed to external or supernatural forces. Since the advent, around 1900, of theories of personality that postulate unconscious as well as conscious motivation, the inspiration for automatic writing has been assumed to be completely internal.
Revealing disassociated information: Modern psychodynamic theories of personality propose that traits, attitudes, motives, impulses, and memories that are incompatible with the person’s conscious awareness may be dissociated from awareness and rarely expressed overtly in the course of normal waking behavior. These elements may be revealed, however, in the content of automatic writing.
Automatic writing, also called psychography, is a claimed psychic ability allowing a person to produce written words without consciously writing. The words purportedly arise from a subconscious, spiritual, or supernatural source.
... drawing through the subconscious mind
aka Automatic Writing
aka Psychography
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(see 01 Akashic Records)
(see 05 Automatic Writing)
Unconscious writing: The ability to draw or write without conscious intent. Automatic writing, also called psychography, is a claimed psychic ability allowing a person to produce written words without consciously writing. The words purportedly arise from a subconscious, spiritual, or supernatural source. Scientists and skeptics consider automatic writing to be the result of the ideomotor effect and even proponents of automatic writing admit it has been the source of innumerable cases of self-delusion. Automatic writing is not the same thing as free writing.
Psychography: The production of images of spirits upon sensitive plates without the use of a camera held to be accomplished by means of spiritualistic forces.
in 1924 André Breton (1896-1966) published the Manifesto of Surrealism he explained this movement through the concept of pure psychic automatism. The idea of an uninhibited creative psyche was conceived as the modus operandi for Surrealists. Defining Surrealism from the outset as a psychic automatism he later reconceptualized it along the lines of a religious creed, as a psychic mechanism or state of mind that can stand as a solution for the problems of life.
C H A N N E L. I N G
,,, communication with the non-physical
(see SOAR Master Clairvoyance class)
(see Dragon workshop)
- you might also be interested in:
(see 10 Claircognizance)
(see 15 Clairvoyance)
(see 16 Cosmogeny)
(see 30 Mediumship)
(see 31 Mental Projection)
(see 32 Mind Reading)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see 40 Psychic Manifestation)
(see 58 Transmutation)
Meditation means different things to different people. The most mainstream form of meditation nowadays is mindfulness, but there are plenty of other forms, including awareness, mantra, contemplative, relaxing, gong, visualization and so on.
The New Age movement has revitalized old shamanistic methods that are meant to enable communication with the deepest inner self, the divine, or the spirit world. Most of these methods require that you enter a trance, either guided or self-induced, to give this connection the opportunity to express itself without being restricted by the conscious mind. Some people believe that channeling is a valid tool for healing, revealing a higher self, and communicating with spirits in other dimensions and channeling their messages.
The practice of channeling — a person's body being taken over by a spirit for the purpose of communication — has been around for millennia. There are countless stories of shamen, witch doctors, prophets and others who claim to hear voices or receive some supernatural knowledge from the spirit world. Channelers, also sometimes known as psychic mediums, often use what are called "spirit guides," friendly spirits who give them knowledge and help them on their spiritual journeys.
A High Channel connects with "Higher Consciousness", up to the level of an Archangel in religious and esoteric spirituality - approaches the edge of Creation. (A rare ability). A High Channel will often have the qualifications of a Master Medium.
... psychic knowledge by means of smelling
aka clairolfaction
aka clairessence
- you might also be interested in:
(see 18 Divination)
(see 21 Empathy)
(see 23 ESP)
(see 24 Extrasensory Perception)
(see 27 Intuitive Impressions)
(see 30 Mediumship)
(see 38 Psychic Investigation)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see 41 Psychism)
(see 47 Remote Sensing)
(see 54 Telesthesia)
Sense of smell: An ability to smell a fragrance or odour that is being transmitted by the spirit. Each time, the people around cannot usually smell the odour. It can be related to the spirit who is sending the message such as smelling cigarettes or pipe tobacco for someone who smoked or the person’s favorite perfume.
Clairalience is intuitive or psychic smelling and means clear smelling. It’s closely related to clairgustance/clairgustience (clear tasting). Just like our physical senses of smell and taste are closely related, so are our intuitive or psychic senses of clear tasting and smelling. It’s also very much connected with our memory and carries with it a powerful emotional component, linking it to clairsentience (clear feeling).
What information can your clairalience give you? Like any other intuitive sense, you can get specific information about a loved one in Spirit through clairalience. You may smell their perfume and immediately sense a connection to them. Or another smell associated with them — cigarette smoke, engine grease or cinnamon rolls.
... hearing sound beyond human capacity
- you might also be interested in:
(see 18 Divination)
(see 21 Empathy)
(see 23 ESP)
(see 24 Extrasensory Perception)
(see 27 Intuitive Impressions)
(see 30 Mediumship)
(see 38 Psychic Investigation)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see 41 Psychism)
(see 47 Remote Sensing)
(see 54 Telesthesia)
Clear Hearing: The ability to “hear” messages from the spirit realm. Messages are being transmitted directly into your mind. At times you may hear a nondescript voice call your name or a mix of voices like listening to a radio.
Clairaudience is the capability of receiving an intuitive vocal message from the world of spirits or a higher being. Clairaudient people can extend their hearing to transcend the everyday physical world and the known level of awareness, in order to reach the world beyond. Clairaudients are highly intuitive people who are able to listen to a voice other than their own when the spirit world transmits a message to them.
The message might include particular words, names or phrases, unintelligible sounds or music. The voice sometimes sounds extremely different from the voices we normally hear. It may sound as if it’s being spoken right next to you, inside your head, or echoing as if from another dimension. It also might sound like one of your loved ones who has passed away. The voice may make itself heard at times of a crisis, an emergency, a crossroads, or at another significant time. Clairaudient dreams are also a known phenomenon, where a person may hear the voice of a spirit during sleep.
... acquiring intuitive knowledge, usually Divine, without knowing how or why?
(see SOAR Master Clairvoyance class).
(see New World Order/Path of the Prophet class).
- you might also be interested in:
(see 18 Divination)
(see 21 Empathy)
(see 23 ESP)
(see 24 Extrasensory Perception)
(see 27 Intuitive Impressions)
(see 30 Mediumship)
(see 38 Psychic Investigation)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see 41 Psychism)
(see 47 Remote Sensing)
(see 54 Telesthesia)
Clear knowing. Some people refer to this sense as a “gut feeling”. It’s the ability to just know something without logic or facts.
If you’ve ever known that you should avoid your new neighbor, take a different route to work, not take that drink or call someone up, you’ve experienced some inner knowing.
Claircognizance, literally translated, means “clear knowing” — that feeling you get when you just know something without having any idea of how you know it. Your higher self or spirit guides are putting this information or ideas into your mind as a way of guiding you.
Inspiration or creative thought just seems to appear out of nowhere, it may be your sense of claircognizance — a strong sense of knowing that goes beyond logic. It’s a highly intuitive gift, though sometimes its signs are subtle. You may have this particular gift if you seem to have the answer to everything. For example, have you ever watched quiz shows like “Jeopardy!” and known the answers to some of the questions without any logical explanation as to how you know that information? Have you ever looked at a problem and just known with an unexplained certainty that it would work out?
Claircognizant information is processed through the mind, not through your gut; therefore, people who do possess this gift tend to be very sharp-minded, analytical and logical. The ideas and thoughts that come through from your higher self and spirit guides can sometimes be very clear or can come through so fast that they may appear as a blur and be quickly forgotten. And many times these pockets of information can come to you when your mind is quiet, such as when you are sleeping. Some people like to keep a notepad and a pen near their bed so that if they are awakened by an amazing idea or thought in the middle of the night, they can jot it down before it’s forgotten. Authors and other creative writers, such as songwriters, often possess the gift of claircognizance and channel those ideas into their next book or hit song.
A Prophet on the Path obtains an "all knowing" claircognitive context about a target focus across mankind, and perhaps the Universe and the Divine, which may as needed embrace the capabilities of a Master Clairvoyant, and Master Medium. (A rare ability). At this level the individual should no longer be referred to as a Master, but rather, "the Master."
... acting as an emotional or medical surrogate for another, with direct experience
aka empathy
- you might also be interested in: (see 18 Divination)
(see 21 Empathy)
(see 23 ESP)
(see 24 Extrasensory Perception)
(see 27 Intuitive Impressions)
(see 30 Mediumship)
(see 38 Psychic Investigation)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see 41 Psychism)
(see 47 Remote Sensing)
(see 54 Telesthesia)
(see 21 Empathy)
Clairempathy comes from French clair meaning ‘clear’ and Greek pathos meaning ‘passion’ or ‘suffering’, coming together to translate directly into ‘clear feeling of passion and suffering’. Clairempathy is the psychic ability to feel other people’s, animal’s, places, worldly ongoings, or plant’s emotions or physical pain as though they are your own. The colloquial term that has been coined in the last several years to describe this is, ‘Empath’.
Empathic vs Empathy: It is important to distinguish the difference between being empathetic (feeling empathy) versus being empathic (an empath). When you are experiencing empathy towards someone or something, it means that you can understand what they are going through, and you hold great compassion towards them in such. When you are experiencing being clairempathic, you are actually feeling whatever the person or thing is experiencing.
Experience the Divine: The user can detect emotional resonances from other locations and times. They can also perceive emotions across species, as well as from the past, the future, the spirit world and (if strong enough) the realms of the divine.
The Truth: The psychic ability of clairempathy, often erroneously referred to as 'empathy,' is described by some spiritual seekers and experts as the true or ultimate ‘sixth sense’. Psychics with this gift of extra sensory perception (ESP) have the capacity to act as emotional, and even medical surrogates for others, and can therefore directly experience what others are feeling emotionally, or physically.
Clairsentience vs. Clairempathy: So, what is the difference between clairsentience and clairempathy? In a nutshell, clairsentience is the ability to not only sense but physically feel energy, whereas clairempathy is the ability to sense (be aware of) energy without necessarily feeling it physically.
... paranormal ability to taste a substance without putting anything in one's mouth.
- you might also be interested in: (see 18 Divination)
(see 21 Empathy)
(see 23 ESP)
(see 24 Extrasensory Perception)
(see 27 Intuitive Impressions)
(see 30 Mediumship)
(see 38 Psychic Investigation)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see 41 Psychism)
(see 47 Remote Sensing)
(see 54 Telesthesia)
Sense of taste: You can “taste” essences being transmitted by spirit. Spirit can transfer a character or behavior influence to us and sometimes it comes in the form of a flavor. This is usually something that they loved while they were in body.
Paranormal ability to taste a substance without putting anything in one's mouth. It is claimed that those who possess this ability are able to perceive the essence of a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms through taste.
A Psychic Phenomena: Clairgustance or ‘clear taste’ is probably the most unusual of all the psychic phenomena. It is a form of extra-sensory perception (ESP) that allows the gifted person to taste a substance associated with someone or something from the past, present or future.
Psychics and mediums with the psychic ability of 'clear taste' basically experience a variety of taste sensations, without actually placing anything on their tongue, or into their mouth. Clairgustance therefore enables us to receive messages from the spiritual realm by ‘tasting’ the essence of various substances in the form of ‘non-physical flavors’ or taste sensations. The effect is ultimately similar to our normal sense of taste, but the items we are tasting are not physically present.
What could the purpose of such an odd psychic sense possibly be? Well, believe it or not, it does come in handy! Psychics who work in law-enforcement or forensics, for example, benefit greatly from their ability to become aware of the taste of chemicals, drugs or blood. It often provides clues to how a victim died, or how they were kidnapped or murdered.
Some people experience clairgustance by tasting people’s energies when they are around them or if certain people are thinking of them. Others experience being able to taste people’s emotions, or their physical ailments.
... a psychic ability where you receive information through sensing or feeling subtle energy
- you might also be interested in: (see 18 Divination)
(see 21 Empathy)
(see 23 ESP)
(see 24 Extrasensory Perception)
(see 27 Intuitive Impressions)
(see 30 Mediumship)
(see 38 Psychic Investigation)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see 41 Psychism)
(see 47 Remote Sensing)
(see 54 Telesthesia)
Sensing feeling: This is commonly described as ‘gut feeling’ or intuition. You have the ability to sense and feel emotions from spirit both positive and negative. These feelings are being transmitted by your guides and are clearly different from your own feelings. You can receive warnings this way as in feeling that something is not right or get an excited, elated feeling when something wonderful is about to happen.
A clairsentient sees through their feelings. They have the ability of psychic sensing. It’s so much more than intuition. It’s on a higher level than that. It’s very much like being able to taste music. It requires the use of all of your senses. To make use of the vibrations, energies and emotions of those around us.
The messages can come through as a feeling, a taste, a sound and even memories. They can trigger a series of cascading emotions for the psychic advisor. It’s different for everyone and with every reading. It’s not an experience that can be replicated easily either. It happens without warning or signs. You merely have to be receptive and wait for the messages to come through. In this article, I'll take a deeper dive and share what are clairsentient powers.
... divining information about a person or event associated with a particular object solely by being near to or touching it.
- you might also be interested in:
(see 14 Clairtangency)
(see 18 Divination)
(see 21 Empathy)
(see 23 ESP)
(see 24 Extrasensory Perception)
(see 27 Intuitive Impressions)
(see 30 Mediumship)
(see 38 Psychic Investigation)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see 41 Psychism)
(see 42 Psychomeetry)
(see 43 Psychosophy)
(see 47 Remote Sensing)
(see 54 Telesthesia)
Touch or feeling: This is also known as Psychometry. You are able to receive a message by touching or holding an object in your hands. The object is personal and has the vibration of the owner in the composition or material of the item.
You can tell the personality of the owner and perhaps see, hear or feel situations that are going on around the person, past or present. Psychics usually have one or more of these gifts which can be used on its own or all together, the most common would be clairsentience, nearly everyone would say at some point in their lives they have used the “gut feeling”. One to three is common but it is rare to have all of the psychic senses.
Clairtangency comes from French clair meaning ‘clear’ and Latin Tangibilis meaning ‘that may be touched’, coming together to translate directly into ‘clear touch’. Clairtangency is the psychic ability to receive information through physically touching an object, person, animal, or place.
A psychic facilitation tool: It is the only psychic ability that is not the information in and of itself. What I mean by that is that the physical touch is not the psychic information. The psychic information is triggered by the physical touch.
... ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through the extrasensory perception of the third eye
(see SOAR Master Clairvoyance class).
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Above: Master Clairvoyant Christian Toren performing a Clairvoyant session for Knight Rider actress Rebecca Holden.
Clairvoyance: Having the ability to [literally] see objects or actions beyond the range of natural vision. Any person who is claimed to have such ability is said accordingly to be a clairvoyant..
Predicting with visual proof: Everyone can form an educated opinion on what’s going to happen in the future. You might even say you “know 100 percent” how something is going to end. But having excellent skills in prediction and knowing a subject well enough to “predict the future” is still not the same thing as clairvoyance.
Clairvoyance is quite the opposite. It’s when someone seems to have special insight into future events when they have no previous experience or knowledge base to fall back on. The information seems to come from the “divine”, or at least some kind of supernatural ability to perceive future events.
The impossible gift of the ancients: Usually, when one sees evidence of clairvoyance, their first reaction is, “There’s no way you could have known that.”
All powerful - the psychic gift without limits: Imagine a magician of the mind – someone who can pull out your secret memories like a card. Or someone who knows the future as if it’s a movie they have already seen a few times.
A Master Clairvoyant can perceive as indicated above across time, distance, space or dimensions, including the perception of attendant understanding that underscores the observation. (A rare ability). A Master Clairvoyant will usually have the attributes of a Master Medium. They [may] have the characteristics of a High Channel, but such would not be by definition.
... a theory or story of the origin and development of the... universe, the solar system, or the earth-moon system.
(see SOAR Master Clairvoyance class)
(see Dragon Workshop)
(see Starseed Encounters class)
...where Cosmogeny is covered in a more thorough context)
- you might also be interested in:
(see 07 Channeling)
(see 10 Claircognizance)
(see 15 Clairvoyance)
(see 26 Interpreting Dream Symbols)
(see 27 Intuitive Impressions)
Common questions about Creation and Reality: What is the "Big Picture", the Grand Plan? What are the different levels of reality? What are the kinds of beings that exist. How do these progress up and down through the levels of reality? Where are we in relation to the overall plan. What should we be doing? What should we do next? Are there things we should't do? Which kinds of beings are we able to, should, shouldn't communicate with? Here on Earth will our experience with being pulled back and forth between rival competing alien factions confer on us some kind of advantage one day?
Theosophy explains things esoterically: The study of the beginning or origin and evolution of the universe; cosmology relates to the study of the universe in general.
In antiquity ideas about the origins of the world are many and diverse, but such beliefs seem to have been concerned with the creation of the terrestrial world on which people lived, and not necessarily of the entire cosmos. Indeed, before the invention of the telescope there was little understanding about the vastness of the cosmos.
Probably the simplest explanation of cosmogony is found in the Christian Bible where in Genesis God made the heavens and earth in six days. Many Christians of a fundamentalist persuasion believe this to be true, even now.
Possibly the most concise postulation of theosophical cosmogony is found in The Secret Doctrine where Blavatsky writes, “No more than Science, does esoteric philosophy admit design or ‘special creation.’ It rejects every claim to the ‘miraculous’ and accepts nothing outside the uniform and immutable laws of Nature. But it teaches a cyclic law, a double stream of force (or spirit) and of matter, which, starting from the neutral center of Being, develops in its cyclic progress and incessant transformations”.
Our “Universe” is only one of the infinite number of Universes, all of them “Sons of Necessity,” because links in the great Cosmic chain of Universes, each one standing in the relation of an effect as regards is predecessor, and being a cause as regards its successor.
We are a composite set of hierarchal bodies, and. a true spirit: we function in three main fields: spirit, soul and body. In other words, a human has a physical body, a soul/mind and an all-pervading spiritual essence.
These teachings further propose that a human being has a sevenfold nature within these three fields: a Personality which is composed of four 'lower' aspects and an Individuality consisting of three 'higher' aspects. Our physical body is said to be interpenetrated by our other six aspects which are progressively finer than physical matter.
... a crystal ball, also known as an orbuculum or crystal sphere, is a crystal or glass ball and common fortune-telling object. It is generally associated with the performance of clairvoyance and scrying in particular.
aka orbuculum
aka crystal sphere
aka crystallomancy
aka crystal gazing
- you might also be interested in:
(see 01 Akashic Records)
(see 14 Clairtangency)
(see 15 Clairvoyance)
(see 18 Divination)
(see 19 Dowsing)
(see 23 ESP)
(see 24 Extrasensory Perception)
(see 26 Interpreting Dream Symbols)
(see 27 Intuitive Impressions)
(see 34 Pendulum)
(see 41 Psychism)
(see 42 Psychometry)
(see 43 Psychosophy)
(see 45 Reading Cards)
(see 48 Remote Viewing)
(see 50 Scrying)
(see 51 Tea Leaves)
(see 54 Telesthesia)
(see 60 Runes)
(see 66 Ultrascan)
An all-seeing eye: A crystal ball, also known as an orbuculum or crystal sphere, is a crystal or glass ball and common fortune-telling object. It is generally associated with the performance of clairvoyance and scrying in particular.
Medieval Origins: In the 1st century CE, Pliny the Elder describes use of crystal balls by soothsayers ("crystallum orbis", later written in Medieval Latin by scribes as orbuculum). By the 5th century CE, scrying was widespread within the Roman Empire and was condemned by the early medieval Christian Church as heretical.
Victorian Era made it popular: Crystal gazing was a popular pastime in the Victorian era, and was claimed to work best when the Sun is at its northernmost declination. Immediately before the appearance of a vision, the ball was said to mist up from within.
Scrying: The art or process of "seeing" is known as "scrying", whereby images are claimed to be seen in crystals, or other media such as water, and are interpreted as meaningful information. The "information" gleaned then is used to make important decisions in one's life (i.e. love, marriage, finances, travel, business, etc.).[6][7]
"See" through images: “Seeing” into the ball is known as scrying, which means a gifted psychic has the ability to see images in crystals and then interprets them to provide helpful information that can help one make an important life decision. This could be anything pertaining to matters of the heart, career, financial outlook — anything goes. When the scrying technique is used with crystals — including a crystal ball reading — this is what’s known as crystal gazing, or crystallomancy.
A crystal ball is a tool: Crystal balls don’t actually have power and unlike the Wicked Witch of the West spying on Dorothy, they don’t display actual visuals as if you were watching television. The reality is that when a psychic falls into a trance-like state, he/she may visualize images ranging from vague to solid images or even symbols. They will then translate these images into the guidance needed to help you resolve the issue at hand.
... seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.
- you might also be interested in:
(see 01 Akashic Records)
(see 14 Clairtangency)
(see 15 Clairvoyance)
(see 17 Crystal Ball)
(see 19 Dowsing)
(see 23 ESP)
(see 24 Extrasensory Perception)
(see 26 Interpreting Dream Symbols)
(see 27 Intuitive Impressions)
(see 34 Pendulum)
(see 41 Psychism)
(see 42 Psychometry)
(see 43 Psychosophy)
(see 45 Reading Cards)
(see 48 Remote Viewing)
(see 50 Scrying)
(see 51 Tea Leaves)
(see 54 Telesthesia)
(see 60 Runes)
(see 66 Ultrascan)
Esoteric means for determining one's best means to proceed: the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.
God's inspiration: The ability to gain insight into a situation using occult means. Divination, or "to be inspired by a god," is the attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of an occultic, standardized process or ritual. Used in various forms throughout history, diviners ascertain their interpretations of how a querent should proceed by reading signs, events, or omens, or through alleged contact with a supernatural agent.
Methods of divination can be found around the world, and many cultures practice the same methods under different names. During the Middle Ages, scholars coined terms for many of these methods—some of which had hitherto been unnamed—in Medieval Latin, very often utilizing the suffix -mantia when the art seemed more mystical (ultimately from Ancient Greek μαντεία, manteía, 'prophecy' or 'the power to prophesy') and the suffix -scopia when the art seemed more scientific (ultimately from Greek σκοπεῖν, skopeîn, 'to observe'). Names like drimimantia, nigromantia, and horoscopia arose, along with other pseudosciences such as phrenology and physiognomy.
Some forms of divination are much older than the Middle Ages, like haruspication, while others (such as megapolisomancy or coffee-based tasseomancy) originated in the 20th and 21st centuries.
Divination, the practice of determining the hidden significance or cause of events, sometimes foretelling the future, by various natural, psychological, and other techniques. Found in all civilizations, both ancient and modern, it is encountered most frequently in contemporary mass society in the form of horoscopes, astrology, crystal gazing, tarot cards, and the Ouija board.
In the context of ancient Roman culture and belief, divination was concerned with discovering the will of the gods. Today, however, scholars no longer restrict the word to the root meaning. Divinatory practices and the beliefs undergirding them are greater in scope than discerning the will of the gods and the fatalistic view of the human condition that inspired so much of early Mediterranean religious thought.
... attempts to locate ground water, buried metals or ores, gemstones, oil, gravesites, malign 'earth vibrations' and many other objects and materials without the use of a scientific apparatus.
aka doodlebugging
- you might also be interested in:
(see 01 Akashic Records)
(see 14 Clairtangency)
(see 15 Clairvoyance)
(see 17 Crystal Ball)
(see 18 Divination)
(see 23 ESP)
(see 24 Extrasensory Perception)
(see 26 Interpreting Dream Symbols)
(see 27 Intuitive Impressions)
(see 34 Pendulum)(
see 41 Psychism)
(see 42 Psychometry)
(see 43 Psychosophy)
(see 45 Reading Cards)
(see 48 Remote Viewing)
(see 50 Scrying)
(see 51 Tea Leaves)
(see 54 Telesthesia)
(see 60 Runes)
(see 66 Ultrascan)
The ability to locate water, sometimes using a tool called a dowsing rod. Dowsing is a type of divination employed in attempts to locate ground water, buried metals or ores, gemstones, oil, gravesites, malign 'earth vibrations' and many other objects and materials without the use of a scientific apparatus. Dowsing is also known as divining, doodlebugging or water finding, water witching or water dowsing.
"Water dowsing" refers in general to the practice of using a forked stick, rod, pendulum, or similar device to locate underground water, minerals, or other hidden or lost substances, and has been a subject of discussion and controversy for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
Psychic Mining: Dowsing, in occultism, use of a forked piece of hazel, rowan, or willow wood or of a Y-shaped metal rod or of a pendulum suspended by a nylon or silk thread, in an attempt to detect such hidden substances as water, minerals, treasure, archaeological remains, and even dead bodies. The practice seems to have first come into vogue in the European Middle Ages. The dowser in his search grasps the rod (itself called a dowser) by its two prongs and appears to receive transmissions from the hidden object that cause involuntary muscular contractions, which in turn make the rod bend or quiver violently. Some dowsers claim to be able to detect buried substances merely by passing a dowsing rod over a map of the area where the substance lies hidden. The term divining rod, sometimes used to describe the forked instrument, is frowned upon by dowsers because divination is not considered part of the process.
Dowsing is not dead: Einstein is said to have dabbled in dowsing, soldiers have been known to use coat hangers to detect enemy mines, and now it appears that real estate investors are gravitating to dowsing techniques.
This ancient practice may well be the most common and accepted part of the psychic field because it shows results on a fairly consistent basis.
For Ron Warmoth, a recent trip to the high desert above Hesperia--to locate underground springs, possibly ore and/or natural gas on a property purchased by a client--was all in a day’s work.
... the purported ability to communicate telepathically with another person while one is dreaming.
- you might also be interested in:
(see 03 Astral Projection)
(see 31 Mental Projection)
(see 37 Projected Thermography)
(see 40 Psychic Manifestation)
(see 48 Remote Viewing)
(see 55 Thoughtography)
Dream telepathy is the purported ability to communicate telepathically with another person while one is dreaming. The first person in modern times to document telepathic dreaming was Sigmund Freud. There is no scientific evidence that dream telepathy is a real phenomenon. Parapsychological experiments into dream telepathy have not produced replicable results.
Scientific interest and support: Dream telepathy suggests that human beings have the ability to communicate telepathically with another person while they are dreaming. This isn’t a new concept, scientific interest in telepathy dates back to the fathers of the psychoanalytic movement. Freud, for example, looked at the implications of telepathy on psychoanalytic thought. He also considered dream telepathy, or the telepathic influence of thought on dreaming, on multiple occasions. Carl Jung believed in the telepathic hypothesis without question, and even developed a theoretical system to explain “paranormal” events of this nature.
Experiments: In the mid 1960’s, Montague Ullman, MD, began a number of experiments at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York to test the hypothesis that people could be primed to dream about randomly selected material. In other words, they could choose what they wanted to dream about before going to sleep, and this could include anything, from artwork to movies to photographs and more. Shortly after these experiments began, Ullman was joined by Stanley Krippner (quoted above), who has a very impressive background in the scientific study of dreams, psychology, and parapsychology.
The experiments they conducted lasted a span of more than 10 years, and “yielded statistically significant results.”
One very memorable and significant session of dream telepathy experimentation took place where the selected art print was “School of Dance” by Edgar Degas, which depicts a several young women in a dance class. According to Krippner, the receivers’ dream reports included such phrases as “I was in a class made up of maybe half a dozen people, it felt like a school,” and “There was one little girl that was trying to dance with me.” These results are fascinating, and the idea that one can influence another’s dream opens up a lot of doors. Although we might not understand the process behind the transfer of information, and we can’t see this transfer take place from mind to mind, we have proof of it occurring. This is quite common when we examine scientific studies that have evaluated parapsychological phenomena – we know what is happening, but not how.
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... Empathy is an emotion or state of being that allows one person to connect emotionally and cognitively with another person.
aka clairempathy
- you might also be interested in:
(see 11 Clairempathy)
(see 18 Divination)
(see 23 ESP)
(see 24 Extrasensory Perception)
(see 27 Intuitive Impressions)
(see 30 Mediumship)
(see 38 Psychic Investigation)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see 41 Psychism)
(see 47 Remote Sensing)
(see 54 Telesthesia)
(see 21 Empathy)
Sensing emotion: Everyone can sense emotion but Empathic mediums sense or feel emotions from individuals or spirits. You have the ability to access other people’s emotions and can sense their happiness, joy, elation, pride, sadness, anger and fear.
What is Empathy? The term “empathy” is used to describe a wide range of experiences. Emotion researchers generally define empathy as the ability to sense other people’s emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling.
Contemporary researchers often differentiate between two types of empathy: “Affective empathy” refers to the sensations and feelings we get in response to others’ emotions; this can include mirroring what that person is feeling, or just feeling stressed when we detect another’s fear or anxiety. “Cognitive empathy,” sometimes called “perspective taking,” refers to our ability to identify and understand other people’s emotions. Studies suggest that people with autism spectrum disorders have a hard time empathizing.
Empathy is the ability to recognize, understand, and share the thoughts and feelings of another person, animal, or fictional character. Developing empathy is crucial for establishing relationships and behaving compassionately. It involves experiencing another person’s point of view, rather than just one’s own, and enables prosocial, or helping behaviors that come from within, rather than being forced.
Some surveys indicate that empathy is on the decline in the United States and elsewhere, findings that motivate parents, schools, and communities to support programs that help people of all ages enhance and maintain their ability to walk in each other’s shoes.
For some people, psychic ability manifests itself as the ability to be what is known as an empath.
Empathy is the ability to sense the feelings and emotions of others, without their telling us, verbally, what they are thinking and feeling. Often, someone who is a psychic empath needs to learn basic shielding techniques. Otherwise, they can find themselves feeling drained and exhausted after absorbing the energies of others.
The psychic form of empathy should not be confused with the basic human emotion of empathy. Most people can feel empathy for another person without necessarily being a psychic empath. The main difference, however, is that someone who is a psychic empath often picks up non-visual, non-verbal cues that another individual is feeling pain, fear, or joy. Sometimes this is a matter of detecting energy fields or auras, other times, it may be simply a case of "knowing" that the person is feeling a certain way, despite no obvious clues to that effect.
... the ability to heal with one's own empathic etheric, astral, mental or spiritual energy.
(see MIT Medical Intuitive class)
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Energy medicine is a branch of alternative medicine based on a pseudo-scientific belief that healers can channel healing energy into a patient and effect positive results. Practitioners use a number of names including various synonyms for medicine and sometimes use the word vibrational instead of or in concert with energy. In no case is any empirically measurable energy involved: the term refers instead to so-called subtle energy.
... reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses, but sensed with the mind.
- you might also be interested in:(see 01 Akashic Records)
(see 14 Clairtangency)
(see 15 Clairvoyance)
(see 18 Divination)
(see 19 Dowsing)
(see 24 Extrasensory Perception)
(see 26 Interpreting Dream Symbols)
(see 27 Intuitive Impressions)
(see 34 Pendulum)
(see 41 Psychism)
(see 42 Psychometry)
(see 43 Psychosophy)
(see 45 Reading Cards)
(see 48 Remote Viewing)
(see 50 Scrying)
(see 51 Tea Leaves)
(see 54 Telesthesia)
(see 60 Runes)
(see 66 Ultrascan)
Extrasensory perception (ESP), perception that occurs independently of the known sensory processes. Usually included in this category of phenomena are telepathy, or thought transference between persons; clairvoyance, or supernormal awareness of objects or events not necessarily known to others; and precognition, or knowledge of the future. Scientific investigation of these and similar phenomena dates from the late 19th century, with most supporting evidence coming from experiments involving card guessing. Subjects attempt to guess correctly the symbols of cards hidden from their view under controlled conditions; a better-than-chance percentage of correct calls on a statistically significant number of trials is considered to be evidence of ESP. Although many scientists continue to doubt the existence of ESP, people who claim this ability are sometimes used by investigative teams searching for missing persons or things.
“Well, extrasensory perception, also called ESP, is when you can perceive things that are not immediately available in space or time,” Bem said. “So, for example, when you can perceive something on the other side of the world, or in a different room, or something that hasn’t happened yet.”
... perception that occurs independently of the known sensory processes.
- you might also be interested in:(see 01 Akashic Records)
(see 14 Clairtangency)
(see 15 Clairvoyance)
(see 18 Divination)
(see 19 Dowsing)
(see 24 Extrasensory Perception)
(see 26 Interpreting Dream Symbols)
(see 27 Intuitive Impressions)
(see 34 Pendulum)
(see 41 Psychism)
(see 42 Psychometry)
(see 43 Psychosophy)
(see 45 Reading Cards)
(see 48 Remote Viewing)
(see 50 Scrying)
(see 51 Tea Leaves)
(see 54 Telesthesia)
(see 60 Runes)
(see 66 Ultrascan)
Extrasensory perception or ESP, also called sixth sense, includes claimed reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses, but sensed with the mind. The term was adopted by Duke University psychologist J. B. Rhine to denote psychic abilities such as intuition, telepathy, psychometry, clairvoyance, and their trans-temporal operation as precognition or retrocognition.
Extrasensory perception (ESP), perception that occurs independently of the known sensory processes. Usually included in this category of phenomena are telepathy, or thought transference between persons; clairvoyance, or supernormal awareness of objects or events not necessarily known to others; and precognition, or knowledge of the future. Scientific investigation of these and similar phenomena dates from the late 19th century, with most supporting evidence coming from experiments involving card guessing. Subjects attempt to guess correctly the symbols of cards hidden from their view under controlled conditions; a better-than-chance percentage of correct calls on a statistically significant number of trials is considered to be evidence of ESP. Although many scientists continue to doubt the existence of ESP, people who claim this ability are sometimes used by investigative teams searching for missing persons or things.
There are many theories as to what causes extrasensory perception. Some individuals believe that all humans have some degree of extrasensory perception and that we involuntarily experience extrasensory perception on several occasions. Others believe that a select few individuals have special powers that allow them to access extrasensory perception, but only when they are in a special mental state. Most individuals who believe in extrasensory perception maintain that all humans have the potential for extrasensory perception, but some of us are more aware of our abilities than others.
I N T E R P R E T I N G. C L O T H I N G
... interpreting clothing gauges what a person is dealing with, and how they feel about it.
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Interpreting the clothing and jewelry that an individual wears to a session, to gauge what they are dealing with or how they are feeling that day or that week. I look at the colors and patterns of clothing and where they are on the body. I also note the colors, patterns and location of the jewelry, as well as the number of rings or accessories, and the number of components in earrings, necklaces or bracelets.
Emotions play such a significant role in our clothing choices because often it is not the actual clothes that we wear that determine our feelings and attitudes but the associations we have with them. This was demonstrated by a study conducted by Professor Adam Galinsky of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and his colleague Hajo Adam. The two groups of people who took part in the study were each given a white lab coat to wear — the first group were told it was a doctor’s coat, the second that it was a painter’s. The first group performed their tasks more sharply and with higher attention levels, as they unconsciously adopted the qualities typical of a doctor, such as a focused attitude. This process is called enclothed cognition and Galinsky describes it as “the systematic influence that clothes have on the wearer’s psychological processes.”
... recurring, nightmares, warning precognitive/future, cognitive, spirit visits, lucid, flying and past life dreams, and the symbols of them.
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All people, things and situations in life are connected. I also believe that every event in life is a part of the ‘script’ of, and a partial reflection of all the individuals related to the event. In other words, every being or situation around us is a reflection of some piece of us. Dreams are multidimensional depictions of past, present or future influences in our lives. Paraphrasing Edgar Cayce, a dream not interpreted is like a letter from your subconscious unopened. I also believe daily waking events are reflective and predictive as well. In my experience, information obtained through analyzing daily events can be even more clear, concrete and direct than dreams, which can be more complex and multilevel.
Dreams are like letters from the unconscious mind. If only they were written in the same language we use in waking reality.
Fortunately, we do have the ability to study our dreams and interpret the common dream symbols they contain.
When people think about analyzing their dreams, they usually think of psychics with crystal balls, dream dictionaries, or lying on a couch while a Freud-like psychologist tells them precisely what their dreams connote (and it sounds a lot like cigars and sex).
But dream analysis is none of these things. And it’s actually a valuable way to better understand yourself.
“Dreaming is non-essential when it comes to survival as a body but is essential with regard to our development and evolution as metaphysical beings.”
... Intuition. Steve Jobs said it's "more powerful than intellect." It powers every market decision Warren Buffett makes. Richard Branson prefers it to stats and data. Albert Einstein called it the "only real valuable thing."
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Intuitive Impressions – What they are and how to use them.
You’re probably already aware of your intuitive impressions. All those hunches, gut feelings, sparks of inspiration, and so forth. But let’s take a closer look.
What, exactly, are intuitive impressions?
Intuitive impressions are sensations that we pick up on. It’s as if your intuitive antenna is picking up signals of some kind and alerting you to pay attention to something. These aren’t just any and all sensations, however. They are the ones that your intuition uses to communicate with you. They are messages from your inner guidance system.
Intuitive impressions include things such as: The unexplainable urge to pick up the phone and call a particular person. A tight feeling in your stomach that makes you feel like something isn’t right. An image that comes to mind when you’re trying to make a decision about something. A sudden, and seemingly random, thought that pops into your mind out of nowhere.
Your intuition communicates with you through your senses. In fact, it’s often called the “sixth sense”, a sense all of its own. Whether it be through your sense of sight, hearing, touch, taste, or through your thoughts, feelings, or emotions, your intuition needs a way to get your attention and communicate with you. The key is to pay attention and notice when this happens.
... Levitation or transvection in the paranormal context is the rising of a human body and other objects into the air by mystical means.
aka Transvection
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The ability to float or fly by mystical means. Levitation or transvection in the paranormal context is the rising of a human body and other objects into the air by mystical means or meditation. Some parapsychology and religious believers interpret alleged instances of levitation as the result of supernatural action of psychic power or spiritual energy. The scientific community states there is no evidence that levitation exists and alleged levitation events are explainable by natural causes.
if you can fathom some soul-light-energy-life-force that slips in and out of our bodies with the first and last breath we take, it is more than logical to assume that anything is possible.
Now, before you get discouraged about the odds of you levitating, I should probably mention that one foot above the ground is all the lift your average levitator needs. It’s bold without putting a “hey, look at me” sign on your back. One foot will give you just enough lift to fill you with wonder, but not enough to alarm the neighbors. The fact is, one foot is the perfect distance to feel immortal and timeless, which is the whole point of levitating.
How one achieves that foot of levitation is of considerable debate, regardless of whether you choose the physical or metaphorical path. There are many ways to project oneself upward, most of which don’t require you to lose your pulse. Prayer, chanting, and meditation works. So does fasting, breathwork, or even a few weeks holed up in a cave in the Himalayas.
Reports of paranormal human levitation have been reported down the ages. In most cases, the phenomenon is associated with Christian saints, Yoga practitioners, witchcraft, Spiritualist mediums, 'demonic possession', and poltergeist cases. Among the most famous examples are:
St Teresa of Ávila (1515–1582), reported to have levitated when in states of mystical trance.
St Joseph of Cupertino (1603–1663), said to have levitated during religious services.
Daniel Dunglas Home (1833–1886), Spiritualist medium, reported to have been seen levitating on several occasions, even to the ceiling.
Sai Baba of Shirdi (d. 1916), Indian Yogi, reported to have levitated during meditation.
Padre Pio (1887–1968), said to have levitated during Mass and religious ecstasy.
Enfield Poltergeist Case (1977-1979), in which 11-year old Janet Hodgson is claimed to have been seen levitating.
... the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.
(see Manques Magique workshop)
(see Dragon workshop.)
- you might also be interested in:
(see 02 Apportation)
(see 37 Projected Thermography)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see 40 Psychic Manifestation)
(see (44 Pyrokinesis)
(see 58 Transmutation)
The English words magic, mage and magician come from the Latin magus, through the Greek μάγος, which is from the Old Persian maguš. (𐎶𐎦𐎢𐏁, magician). The Old Persian magu- is derived from the Proto-Indo-European *magh (be able). The Persian term may have led to the Old Sinitic *Mᵞag (mage or shaman). The Old Persian form seems to have permeated ancient Semitic languages as the Talmudic Hebrew magosh, the Aramaic amgusha ("magician"), and the Chaldean maghdim ("wisdom and philosophy"); from the first century BCE onwards, Syrian magusai gained notoriety as magicians and soothsayers.
Magic: the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.
Etymology: The English words magic, mage and magician come from the Latin magus, through the Greek μάγος, which is from the Old Persian maguš. (𐎶𐎦𐎢𐏁, magician). The Old Persian magu- is derived from the Proto-Indo-European *magh (be able). The Persian term may have led to the Old Sinitic *Mᵞag (mage or shaman). The Old Persian form seems to have permeated ancient Semitic languages as the Talmudic Hebrew magosh, the Aramaic amgusha ("magician"), and the Chaldean maghdim ("wisdom and philosophy"); from the first century BCE onwards, Syrian magusai gained notoriety as magicians and soothsayers.
Magic, a concept used to describe a mode of rationality or way of thinking that looks to invisible forces to influence events, effect change in material conditions, or present the illusion of change. Within the Western tradition, this way of thinking is distinct from religious or scientific modes; however, such distinctions and even the definition of magic are subject to wide debate.
Magic is sometimes divided into the "high" magic of the intellectual elite, bordering on science, and the "low" magic of common folk practices. A distinction is also made between "black" magic, used for nefarious purposes, and "white" magic, ostensibly used for beneficial purposes. Although these boundaries are often unclear, magical practices have a sense of "otherness" because of the supernatural power that is believed to be channeled through the practitioner, who is a marginalized or stigmatized figure in some societies and a central one in others
... The rule of thumb is that all mediums are psychic but not all psychics are mediums. While anyone can potentially have mediumistic or psychic experiences, mediums experience regular communication from the deceased and psychics regularly experience information about, or from, living people, distant locations or events, and/or times in the future or in the past (that they did not originally experience).
(see SOAR Master Clairvoyance class)
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(see 07 Channeling)
Why Mediumship? We are demonstrating that consciousness survives after the physical death of the body as a way to alleviate the fear people experience contemplating their own deaths. This is relevant for people currently dying and their loved ones as well as for the rest of us. No “body” is getting out of here alive. But it’s only the body—not the whole self—that will die. And really knowing that can make any life at least a little easier.
Mediumship is the practice of purportedly mediating communication between spirits of the dead and living human beings. Practitioners are known as "mediums" or "spirit mediums". There are different types of mediumship or spirit channelling, including seánce tables, trance, and ouija.
A psychic isn't necessarily a medium, but a medium is a psychic. This is an important distinction and a good place to start,
Psychics tune into the energy of people or objects by feeling or sensing elements of their past, present and future. Simply put, psychics rely on their basic sense of intuition and psychic ability to gather information for the person being read.
Mediums take it a step further. A medium uses his or her psychic or intuitive abilities to see the past, present and future events of a person by tuning into the spirit energy surrounding that person. This means mediums rely on the presence of non-physical energy outside of themselves for the information relevant to the person being read.
Mediumship can be defined as follows: The process whereby a human instrument, known as a MEDIUM or CHANNEL, is used by one or more discarnate, spirit personalities for the purpose of:
Presenting information, verifiable or otherwise.
Causing so-called paranormal activities to occur.
Channeling forth certain types of energies.
Manifesting themselves for objective examination and/or identification.
From this definition, we see the following:
Mediumship involves a cooperating effort between a person on the Earth plane (the medium or channel) and a person in Spirit (the communicator).
There are several objectives behind the manifestation of mediumship.
In addition to this, we see that mediumship is used by those in Spirit for the following purposes:
A Master Medium can channel dimensionally higher the the current evolutionary state of mankind, approaching the Divine. Sometimes called a High Channel. (a rare ability). A Master Medium will often have the abilities, characteristics and interests of a High Channel.
... The subtle body, when cultivated, can survive the physical body as a matrix for consciousness, and astral projection and lucid dreaming are part of spiritual training paths for subtle body cultivation. Neophytes confuse the subtle body with the soul or spirit, two additional aspects of multi-dimensional humans.
aka Astral Projection
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(see 03 Astral Projection)
(see 20 Dream Telepathy)
(see 37 Projected Thermography)
(see 40 Psychic Manifestation)
(see 48 Remote Viewing)
(see 55 Thoughtography)
Mental projection is a supposed or experienced form of consciousness /spirit /intelligence projection from the emotional/astral plane to the mental plane. Adepts say they are able to project first to the emotional/astral plane and then onward to the mental plane by completely calming their emotional processes and withdrawing their emotional senses. Like astral projection, mental projection is performed during sleep, between lives, during meditation-contemplation, or through 'psychic' (soulful) separation of the mental body from the emotional/astral body via the silver cord. Planes beyond the mental are accessible through use of the 'gold cord'. According to many esoteric philosophers, when projecting in these higher planes one has no humanoid shape and is just a lotus- or egg-shaped 'auric body' of consciousness.
User can project their thoughts, consciousness, emotions into reality, either as images/illusions or fully materialized creations.
The idea that humans can leave their bodies during dream states is ancient. Countless people, from New Agers to shamans around the world, believe that it is possible to commune with cosmic intelligence through visions and vivid dreams experienced during astral projection, also known as out-of-body experiences. Surveys suggest that between 8 and 20 percent of people claim to have had something like an out-of-body experience at some point in their lives — a sensation of the consciousness, spirit, or "astral body" leaving the physical body. While most experiences occur during sleep or under hypnosis, some people claim to do it while merely relaxing.
Though originally a private, quasi-religious meditative practice it has — like many New Age beliefs — been commercialized. Astral travel can be big business, and there are many books, seminars, DVDs and other materials that promise to teach students how to leave their physical bodies and access other dimensions.
Mental Projection Exercise
This is an exercise to start you off with getting a feel for extending your mind to another location. Close your eyes. Visualize the room/scene around you. Listen, hear what is around you. Feel what is around you, smell, touch. Do this in as much detail as you can, so much so it is as if the room was there without your eyes shut.
Now, see the scene shifting to the place you wish to be. Use all your senses as before, sight, smell, touch, hearing and even maybe taste.Now your mind is here, do as you wish. Be careful though, as any sudden loud noises your end can pull your mind back to your body.
... I sometimes get a strange reaction from people when they find out I’m a medium. Maybe it’s because they don’t believe in mediums; maybe it’s because they aren’t comfortable with what I do, but sometimes it’s just because they’re afraid I’m going to know what they are thinking. They could be perfectly fine with me, and then they ask what I do for a living, or someone else drops the bomb, and boom; their whole demeanor suddenly changes, as if they’ve got something to hide, and I’m going to know exactly what it is.
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(see Telepathy)
Whether we’re sitting in an office doing private readings, on stage giving messages from passed loved ones to audiences or teaching a class, maintaining an altered state to do the work of a psychic, medium (or even a mind-reader) takes a lot of energy. When we’re not working, it’s in our best interest to conserve and restore our energy.
This is what psychologists term “mind reading”—a habitual thinking pattern characterized by expecting others to know what you're thinking without having to tell them, or expecting to know what others are thinking without them telling you.
ESP is thought to be a mysterious psychic sense that functions beyond the physical world. Its actual meaning is extra sensory Perception. It must be understood that ESP is a psychic transferring energy that comes through the mind, body and soul of every human on this planet.
Telepathy was the ability to transmit the thoughts from one brain to another. Therefore non-verbal communication. Aquaman had what was referred to as Aquatic telepathy, which allowed him to communicate telepathically with marine life. But he couldn't communicate telepathically to all Earth species. However he was able to communicate with marine life from other planets.
Mind Reading
Mind reading was the ability to hear another person's thoughts inside their own mind.
Mind Control
Mind control was when someone dominates another person's will by taking over their mind. They could force the person to do whatever they wished them to do.
Memory Manipulation
The ability to manipulate memories of others by erasing them and replacing them with new ones, whether false memories or not. This ability can also be used to bring suppressed memories out to the surface.
Dream Manipulation
This ability involved manipulating a person's thoughts while they were asleep and dreaming. When a person was dreaming, they rarely were aware that they were sleeping, and so things could seem so real that they might as well have been real. Sometimes if an imaginary monster in a person's dream cuts the dreamer with its' claws, it seemed so real to them that even in the real, waking world, the cut manifested itself on the sleeper's skin. Doctor Destiny had the ability to manipulate dreams. He could even create such horrors in a dream that one couldn't awaken from unless they received help from another telepath who was already awake. Sometimes even when a person was aware that they were dreaming, it was impossible for them to awaken at will, because Destiny manipulated the dream to such an extent that waking up is impossible.
Psychokinesis was the ability to manipulate a variety of things with the mind. It could also be used to push or shove an opponent, as an attack. An alien race known as Balunians, had this ability, although they referred to it as Teleportation. One specific type of psychokinesis was telekinesis.
... the art or practice of supposedly interpreting a person's character or predicting their future by examining the lines and other features of the hand, especially the palm and fingers.
Aka Chiromancy
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Palmistry (part of Hand Analysis), also known as palm reading, chiromancy, or chirology, is the practice of fortune-telling through the study of the palm. The practice is found all over the world, with numerous cultural variations. Those who practice chiromancy are generally called palmists, hand readers, hand analysts, or chirologists.
There are many—often conflicting—interpretations of various lines and palmar features across various schools of palmistry. Palmistry is practiced by the highest Hindu caste, Brahmins, and is also indirectly referenced in the Book of Job.
Palmistry is a practice common to many different places on the Eurasian landmass; it has been practiced in the cultures of India, Nepal, Tibet, China, Persia, Sumeria, Canaan and Babylonia.
Though all divinations require study and practice, chiromancy fundamentals are quite easy to learn. Simply put, palmistry is the art of analyzing the physical features of the hands to interpret personality characteristics and predict future happenings. Chiromancy analyses are time-honored: Just as our ancient ancestors gazed into the night sky and created powerful correspondences between the movements of the planets and events here on Earth, palm readers observe how the hand's attributes connect to greater themes. Occult traditions are based on the esoteric axiom "As above, so below," and within palmistry, the palm is accordingly seen as a microcosm of the universe.
... for determining the answers to yes/no questions, but it can also give a ‘maybe’ or ‘not clear’ answer. Pendulum Dowsing is similar to the process used by ‘water witchers’ who use a forked stick to find water or minerals under the ground.
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An ancient knowledge for unlocking your Psychic power. At its simplist, crystal dowsing invovles asking questions to help seek out information not readily avaiable by any other means.
Pendulums can be an excellent tool to help you channel your spiritual connection and reveal answers to questions that you otherwise may not be able to find or interpret using other psychic tools.
Once a pendulum is trained is can provide very quick and effective answers to help you make educated decisions.
A pendulum can be made of most materials i.e. wood, crystal or metal. But should always hang symmetrically so that the weight of the pendulum does not impact the direction of the swing.
The pendulum is basically an amplifier. It is a tool that helps you to access the collective unconscious and your Higher Self. You can get answers to anything you can come up with.
Every one is basically capable of working with the pendulum. Learning to work with it is like learning to play an instrument. It requires constant practice and experimentation Making mistakes is part of the learning process. The results you get will reflect your stage of spiritual/mental development.
Pendulum dowsing is rapidly becoming the most popular form of dowsing. Dowsing is a way of getting answers to questions you cannot get rationally.
But what is going on when you dowse with a pendulum? Is the pendulum talking to you? Are you accessing the Akashic records? Are you using a latent psychic ability? How and why does pendulum dowsing work? The truth is that a pendulum is just a tool for amplifying the tiny responses you get when you are dowsing. It makes it easier to tell ‘yes' from ‘no'.
There is no magic in the pendulum itself, and it is not providing the answers. No one knows exactly where the answers are coming from when you are pendulum dowsing, but it is widely believed that your intuitive senses are able to access information that the rational mind cannot. It is as if there is a ‘field' out there which holds all information, and you access it using dowsing. Some might call that the Akashic Records.
Some even regard dowsing as an inward, rather than an outward, journey. They think that all the answers lie within us. There is no one consensus on how dowsing works.
... The ability to supernaturally perceive past events.
aka Retrocognition
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One with this ability could psychically receive visions of events in an object's past (ie previous uses). In addition, one can psychically receive visions of events from a subject's past (ie criminal history). Furthermore, one could psychically receive visions of events from their own personal past. One could also psychically receive visions of events in a community's past (ie social movements). One could even psychically receive visions of past events in the larger environment (ie natural disasters), on an international scale, a global scale, or broader.
Retrocognition—also known as postcognition—is knowledge of an event after it happens, when the person would have no natural knowledge of that event. A better known term is precognition, which is knowledge of an event before it happens. (In the same way, retrodiction is the opposite of prediction.) J. M. Robertson, in Buckle & His Critics (1895), said, “Let us first put a little order in our conception of prediction and ‘retrodiction’ as they indisputably take place in the settled sciences.” And Frederick W. H. Myers, in his 1901 work Human Personality, said, “Our retrocognitions seem often a recovery of isolated fragments of thought and feeling.”
Most people who exhibit the ability to be retrocognitive are also precognitive. They have the ability to focus on people and events from either the past or the future. The information is frequently obtained through clairvoyance, clairaudience, or clairsentience. Psychometry is another one of the main ways of working with retrocognition. By handling an object, the medium is able to gain information about the past connections with that object, and the people and events that have come into contact with it.
Postcognition, also called Retrocognition, Past Sight or Retrospect is the psychic ability to visually perceive information about past events after they happen, without any guessing based on deductive reasoning and current knowledge. This ability occurs as a brief flash of the scene, or it may last longer. Sometimes, however, it can even be activated at will within whichever interval the user desires (the last six hours, yesterday) at which time it becomes Selective Postcognition, Selective Retrocognition or Selective Retrospect.
... The ability to perceive future events. Precognition, also called prescience, future vision, or future sight, is a claimed psychic ability to see events in the future.
aka Premonition.
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Precognition is the scientific name for a group of abilities that have to do with knowing or using information about the future without drawing on information from the five senses, memory, or logic. Premonitions are one of those abilities – a premonition is a feeling or sense about a future event. But precognition includes premonition as well as other ways of knowing, so precognition is the umbrella term that includes premonitions.
Precognition, supernormal knowledge of future events, with emphasis not upon mentally causing events to occur but upon predicting those the occurrence of which the subject claims has already been determined. Like telepathy and clairvoyance, precognition is said to operate without recourse to the normal senses and thus to be a form of extrasensory perception (ESP).
There is a long tradition of anecdotal evidence for foreseeing the future in dreams and by various devices such as observing the flight of birds or examining the entrails of sacrificial animals. Precognition has been tested with subjects required to predict the future order of cards in a deck about to be shuffled or to foretell results of dice throws.
Precognition, the ability to obtain information about a future event, unknowable through inference alone, before the event actually occurs, conflicts with the fundamental subjective experience of time asymmetrically flowing from past to future, brings into question the notion of free will, and contends with steadfast notions of cause and effect. Despite these reasons for skepticism, researchers have pursued this topic, and a large database of studies conducted under controlled laboratory conditions now exist.
Precognition is knowledge of a future event, especially when this comes from a direct message to the mind, such as in a dream, rather than by reason. The power to perceive future events before they happen. Opposite to Retrocognition. Not to be confused with Event Experiencing. Users have the ability to foresee possible futures and observe what may happen. As knowledge of the future invariably causes that future to change, visions of the future are subject to frequent shifting. While not being able to select futures or travel through time, these visions may assist in possible courses of action. Some visions may be set in stone whether or not you see them, others may happen only if the players select a certain course of action. This depends mainly on whether or not users are viewing Destiny or Probability.
... Thoughtography (also known as psychic photography) first emerged in the late 19th century due to the influence of spirit photography.
aka Thoughtography
- you might also be interested in:
(see 02 Apportation)
(see 03 Astral Projection)
(see 20 Dream Telepathy)
(see 29 Magic)
(see 31 Mental Projection)
(see 37 Projected Thermography)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see 40 Psychic Manifestation)
(see (44 Pyrokinesis)
(see 48 Remote Viewing)
(see 55 Thoughtography)
(see 58 Transmutation)
Thoughtography, also called projected thermography, psychic photography, nengraphy, and nensha (Japanese: 念写), is the claimed ability to "burn" images from one's mind onto surfaces such as photographic film by psychic means. While the term "thoughtography" has been in the English lexicon since 1913, the more recent term "projected thermography" is a neologism popularized in the 2002 U.S. film The Ring
Thoughtography has no connection with Spiritualism, which distinguishes it from spirit photography. One of the first books to mention "psychic photography" was the book The New Photography (1896) by Arthur Brunel Chatwood. In the book Chatwood described experiments where the "image of objects on the retina of the human eye might so affect it that a photograph could be produced by looking at a sensitive plate."
Also called Imprinting, Psionic Impression/Imprinting. The user can imprint marks/writing onto surfaces without the need of tools, this includes text, pictures, paintings, comics, etc.
This can be considered a questionable ability, probably due to the Japanese pursuit of it as Nensha, something many might consider fiction.
(see 03 Astral Projection)(see 20 Dream Telepathy)(see 31 Mental Projection)(see 37 Projected Thermography)(see 40 Psychic Manifestation)(see 48 Remote Viewing)(see 55 Thoughtography)
...a psychic detective is a person who investigates crimes by using purported paranormal psychic abilities.
(see Secrets of the Vatican class)
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(see 27 Intuitive Impressions)
Examples of psychic investigation have included postcognition (the paranormal perception of the past), psychometry (information psychically gained from objects), telepathy, dowsing, clairvoyance, and remote viewing. In murder cases, psychic detectives may purport to be in communication with the spirits of the murder victims.
The disappearance of Andre Daigle: On June 9, 1987, 27-year-old New Orleans resident Andre Daigle met a friend for dinner and a few rounds of pool. It turned into a long night of drinking, after which Daigle was never seen alive again. When the news of Daigle’s disappearance reached his sister, Elise McGinley, in Southern California, she sought the help of psychic Rosemarie Kerr to pick up where New Orleans police—who didn’t suspect foul play—had left off.
Kerr placed a finger on a photo of Daigle and sensed immediately that he was dead, according to her testimony in the murder trial that followed. Kerr also correctly identified where Daigle’s body would be found: a New Orleans swamp. The discovery helped break the case, which resulted in the conviction of two men who ended up testifying that they killed Daigle for sport. Kerr, who died in 2015, was the first psychic ever to be placed on a witness stand in a murder trial.
The murders of Amie Hoffman and Dierdre O’Brien: On November 23, 1982, 18-year-old Amie Hoffman left her part-time job at a shopping mall in Morristown, New Jersey, but she apparently never got farther than the parking lot. The next day, her car was found where she had parked it, the driver door open. Foul play was immediately suspected. When police came up empty-handed, they approached Nancy Weber, a local psychic they’d successfully worked with in the past. Nancy, who had already had visions of Hoffman’s body and the assault she had endured before being killed, led police down an investigative trail that ultimately ended with the murder conviction of James Koedatich, who had struck again in the meantime, killing 25-year-old Dierdre O’Brien.
The murder of Elizabeth Cornish: In 1987, 42-year-old nurse and mother of five Elizabeth Cornish was beaten to death in her New Jersey apartment. The only suspect was Cornish’s boyfriend, who had found the body. However, no one in the Cornish family could fathom the boyfriend was the killer. That’s when Cornish’s sister approached Nancy Weber for assistance.
Weber knew immediately that Cornish’s boyfriend had not committed the crime and alerted local police, who were familiar with Weber and her work. At the scene of the crime, Weber told police the killer lived right upstairs from Cornish. Weber’s description of the killer matched 33-year-old John Reese, who lived in the apartment above Cornish. Reese was able to provide an alibi for the time of death the coroner initially identified. However, Weber was relentless in her belief not only that Reese was the killer but also that the time of death was actually four hours earlier. Upon reexamination, the coroner changed the time of death, rendering Reese’s alibi moot. Reese subsequently confessed and was sentenced to life in prison for Cornish’s murder.
Three abducted children found alive: Debbie Keyes, a mother of three from Harding, New Jersey, had not seen her three children in 13 months, not since the children’s father had abducted them. Keyes brought the idea of seeking the assistance of a psychic to the detective working the case, Sergeant Lou Masterbone. Skeptical of psychics, Masterbone was reluctant. However, as he told CNN’s Nancy Grace in 2005, Weber led them on a three-state chase that ended in Hawaii, with Keyes being reunited with her kids.
... Psychic attack is when someone consciously or unconsciously sends an intense wave of negative emotion – usually anger or jealousy – your way. Just like a physical attack, psychic attack hurts on physical, emotional and mental levels. The effects of it can last for as long as an hour to months, depending on the intensity of the attack.
... we can fix all this.
(see Manques Magique workshop)
(see the Dragon workshop.)
- you might also be interested in:
(see 02 Apportation)
(see 29 Magic)
(see 37 Projected Thermography)
(see 40 Psychic Manifestation)
(see (44 Pyrokinesis)
(see 58 Transmutation)
...Manifesting is cultivating the experience of what it is that you want to feel — and then living and believing in that experience so that you can allow it to come into form.
(see Manques Magique workshop)
(see Dragon workshop.
- you might also be interested in:
(see 02 Apportation)
(see 03 Astral Projection)
(see 20 Dream Telepathy)
(see 29 Magic)
(see 31 Mental Projection)
(see 37 Projected Thermography)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see (44 Pyrokinesis)
(see 48 Remote Viewing)
(see 55 Thoughtography)
(see 58 Transmutation)
But what is manifestation exactly? It all ties back to the coveted Law of Attraction: our innate ability to attract the focus of our thoughts into our lives. If you’ve ever heard the saying “like attracts like,” that’s essentially the basis of this phenomenon. According to this law, by putting positive energy out into the world, you can expect positive outcomes to reflect back to you. Meanwhile, lingering in a doom and gloom headspace will only tempt more negative situations into your life.
Simply put, manifestation is the harnessing of this Law of Attraction. This practice allows you to draw specific desires into your physical reality through your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
... Psychism is simply a kind of subtle hyper-sensitivity, and all of us are sensitive in varying degrees, perhaps more so than we realize!
We are all perceiving subtle impressions constantly, and the only difference between a psychic and the average person is that the psychic can perceive consciously what the average person only perceives subconsciously.
(see SOAR Master Clairvoyance class)
(see Manques Magique workshop)
(see Dragon workshop)
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(philosophy) The old doctrine that there is a fluid (continuity) universally diffusing, and equally animating all living beings, the difference in their actions being due to the difference of the individual organizations.
Some people believe that psychism is a power, well, it's not, it is merely the ability to sense and interpret energy, you can see something. Psychism is a natural ability, it is as natural as your sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch, it is a natural function of your body.
Catalyst Telepath: The ability, whether it is conscious or unconscious, to awaken/unblock the gifts in other's, also it is the ability to be able to tell who really has gifts and who does not, often the people with this kind of gift have many other gifts along with it, often making them very sensitive and somewhat shy, avoiding many individuals. I had asked a few individuals about this gift, and just how much it occurs in the population, and they had said (and it seems right) it occurs in 5-8% of the population.
Clairaudience ("clear hearing"): The clairaudience gift is a rather nifty one to have, it is the ability to "hear" conversations and information on the earth and ethereal plane, it can be very useful; especially when combined with other gifts.
Clairsentience ("clear sensing"): The ability is one that makes/allows a person to sense/know things that happened in places (whether it be inside or outside), it pretty much allows one to know "what happened" in the area in the past.
Clairvoyance ("clear seeing"): Clairvoyance is the ability to "see" visions of things that are happening in the present, combined with other ability's one can see a sort of "foggy movie" type vision. Not a very large number of the population get this ability, I say about 10-15% of the population has it, I may be wrong. There is no real way to control this ability when someone has it in full, though when one does not, it can be sometimes triggered by trance.
Dowsing: Dowsing is the ability to sense substances in the Earth, such as metals, water, and ley lines.
Empathy: Empathy is the ability to sense another's emotions, or change another's emotions, or sometimes both. There are three kinds of Empathic gifts, there is the receiving empath is one who can sense other's emotions (regardless of distance) and feel them, sometimes they are swamped by them and it drags them down; There also is the sending Empath, one with the gift to send their own emotions or just a emotion in general and send it to a person to change their emotion to what they had sent, often I find this ability to be a bit violating when it is used for things like "love"; and last, there is the Receiving & Sending Empath, one who can sense emotions AND change them. Some say the related gifts to these are mind and physical healing, and the ability to communicate with plants and/or animals.
Grounder: A grounder, is a person with the ability to literally "ground" any energy sent their way, often it's all energy sent their way!
Medium (or "channeling"): The "Medium" ability is the ability to see, hear, and communicate with non-corporeal (typically) entities, such as Spirit (astral) beings, non-local entities, and deceased humans (ghosts), and also other manifestations.
Null Field: A person with the gift of "Null Field" always will have it turned on, while anything In the presence of that person w/ the null field that are psychic gifts go dead. They say a lot of skeptics are null's, and psychic gifts wont work 'round them!
Precognition: Precognition is the ability to sense, see, and/or hear things that may occur in the future, it is often accompanied by another gift. Precognition often manifests itself in dreams, visions, flashes, hunches, or just "knowing" what is going to happen.
Psychometry: Psychometry is the ability to pick up images, emotions, and histories from both objects and places, by holding an object like a bracelet, or even touching the ground. This gift is often accompanied by other gifts, mainly the gifts starting in "clair".
Pyrokinesis IS a real gift (for those of you who have seen firestarter & firestarter 2), it is luckily a very extremely rare gift. It is the ability to light and/or control fire or heat with the mind, the person with the gift may not be aware of it, often they will have a history of fires starting around them. The person needs to learn how to direct heat into the earth, as in holding it will cause damage to them, concentration and emotional balance is a must.
Retrocognition: Retrocognition is the ability to be able to see, hear, sense, or hear things that happened in the past, it also increases your chance of seeing your own past lives and connections with others. It's like Precognition only backwards!
Telekinesis: Telekinesis is the ability to move objects with the mind, once thought rare, this gift often manifests in adolescents going through puberty, it's held responsible for about 95% of the poltergiest phenomena. They say it often hides itself as "the klutz" someone who usually when emotionally stimulated, objects around them fall over, break, spill, etc. Scientists have concluded that between 1-5% of the population can manipulate solid objects at this time, 5-15% can manipulate energy (electro-magnetic) sources. A person with this gift must learn to emotionally control themselves because it often manifests in strong emotions (like anger or fear), and they also must learn how to concentrate for it improves conscious control.
Telepathy: Telepathy is the ability to read thoughts, commonly surface thoughts. Telepathy of this kind is fairly common, though stronger telepathy allows one to not only read the surface thoughts, but also the subconscious thoughts. A fully gifted telepathic person will be able to practically know everything about a person right when they meet them, they say that when someone has this ability it is described when it occurs as a constant "buzzing" in the ears and a feeling of intense pressure on the brain. People with high telepathic abilities are unable to live around highly populated areas because of their sensitivity to thoughts, and sadly, they are also very very prone to headaches.
Transformers: This is the ability to work with the energies and magnetic forces of the Earth and change them (like taking a bunch of positive energy and changing it to negative energy). Often people with this ability are aware of it and tap into it often, this was once a rare gift but it has been rising over the years.
C. W. Leadbeater recommended that before activating the etheric chakras that will open the waking consciousness to the higher planes the aspirant should follow a spiritual discipline of study and meditation that will develop his astral and mental bodies:
... the alleged art or faculty of divining facts concerning an object or a person associated with it, by contact with or proximity to the object.
aka Psychospy, Clairtangency
- you might also be interested in:
(see 14 Clairtangency)
(see 18 Divination)
(see 21 Empathy)
(see 23 ESP)
(see 24 Extrasensory Perception)
(see 27 Intuitive Impressions)
(see 30 Mediumship)
(see 38 Psychic Investigation)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see 41 Psychism)
(see 43 Psychosophy)
(see 47 Remote Sensing)
(see 54 Telesthesia)
The ability to obtain information about a person or an object by touch. Psychometry, also known as token-object reading, or psychoscopy, is a form of extrasensory perception characterized by the claimed ability to make relevant associations from an object of unknown history by making physical contact with that object. Supporters assert that an object may have an energy field that transfers knowledge regarding that object's history.
... The structure of psychosophy (is often abbreviated to AP, the acronym for “attitudinal psyche”) was first described by the author of typology, russian writer Alexander Afanasiev, in his book “Syntax of Love”. The fundamental basis in psychosophy is a model, represented by four functions, set by unique combinations of three pairs of properties.
The task of the function is to process one of the four psychosophic aspects such as “Physics” (F), “Volition” (V), “Emotion” (E) and “Logic” (L). Each aspect can be processed by one function only. Thus, the four aspects are distributed over all positions of the model. In total, twenty-four unique combinations of aspects and functions come out – each of them represents its own unique psychosophic type (abbreviated as “AP-type”). For example, there is a type of “Einstein” (written as “LVEF”) – it has First Logic, Second Volition, Third Emotion and Fourth Physics. If you swap any two aspects (move from one function to another), you will get a new type.
aka Psychometry
aka Clairtangency
- you might also be interested in:
(see 14 Clairtangency)
(see 18 Divination)
(see 21 Empathy)
(see 23 ESP)
(see 24 Extrasensory Perception)
(see 27 Intuitive Impressions)
(see 30 Mediumship)
(see 38 Psychic Investigation)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see 41 Psychism)
(see 42 Psychomeetry)
(see 47 Remote Sensing)
(see 54 Telesthesia)
... Pyrokinesis is the purported psychic ability allowing a person to create and control fire with the mind.
- you might also be interested in:
(see 02 Apportation)
(see 29 Magic)
(see 37 Projected Thermography)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see (44 Pyrokinesis)
(see 58 Transmutation)
The ability to control flames, fire, or heat using one's mind. Pyrokinesis is the purported psychic ability allowing a person to create and control fire with the mind. There is no conclusive evidence that pyrokinesis is a real phenomenon. Alleged cases are hoaxes, the result of trickery.
...Cartomancy is fortune-telling or divination using a deck of cards. Forms of cartomancy appeared soon after playing cards were first introduced into Europe in the 14th century. Practitioners of cartomancy are generally known as cartomancers, card readers, or simply readers.
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Cartomancy using standard playing cards was the most popular form of providing fortune-telling card readings in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. The standard 52-card deck is often augmented with jokers or even with the blank card found in many packaged decks. In France, the 32-card piquet stripped deck is most typically used in cartomantic readings, although the 52 card deck can also be used. (A piquet deck can be a 52-card deck with all of the 2s through the 6s removed. This leaves all of the 7s through the 10s, the face cards, and the aces.)
In English-speaking countries, the most common form of cartomancy is generally tarot card reading. Tarot cards are almost exclusively used for this purpose in these places
... Reiki is a Japanese form of alternative medicine called energy healing. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.
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...Remote sensing is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact with the object and thus in contrast to on-site observation, especially the Earth.
aka Remote Viewing
aka Telesthesia
- you might also be interested in:
(see 03 Astral Projection)
(see 20 Dream Telepathy)
(see 31 Mental Projection)
(see 37 Projected Thermography)
(see 40 Psychic Manifestation)
(see 48 Remote Viewing)
(see 54 Telesthesia)
(see 55 Thoughtography)
...Remote viewing is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target, purportedly "sensing" with the mind.
aka Telesthesia
aka Remote Sensing
- you might also be interested in:
(see 03 Astral Projection)
(see 20 Dream Telepathy)
(see 31 Mental Projection)
(see 37 Projected Thermography)
(see 40 Psychic Manifestation)
(see 47 Remote Sensing)
(see 54 Telesthesia)
(see 55 Thoughtography)
The ability to see a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception. Remote viewing (RV) is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target, purportedly "sensing" with the mind.
...Retrocognition, from the Latin retro meaning "backward, behind" and cognition meaning "knowing," describes "knowledge of a past event which could not have been learned or inferred by normal means." The term was coined by Frederic W. H. Myers.
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(see Postcognition)
...Scrying, also known by various names such as "seeing" or "peeping", is the practice of looking into a suitable medium in the hope of detecting significant messages or visions.
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... "Reading the tea leaves" comes from tasseography, which is the practice of telling someone's fortune by "reading" a splotched or smeared substance. ... The process varies by psychic, but it usually goes something like this: Un-strained tea is poured into a cup or container.
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Tasseography is a divination or fortune-telling method that interprets patterns in tea leaves, coffee grounds, or wine sediments. In more modern practice, residues of other beverages such as hot chocolate, beer or juice can also be read and interpreted.
... Psychokinesis, or telekinesis, is an alleged psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction. Psychokinesis experiments have historically been criticized for lack of proper controls and repeatability.
aka Psychokinesis
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The ability to manipulate objects with one's mind.
... Telepathy is the purported vicarious transmission of information from one person to another without using any known human sensory channels or physical interaction. The term was first coined in 1882 by the classical scholar Frederic W. H.
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The ability to transmit or receive thoughts supernaturally (without speaking). Telepathy is the purported vicarious transmission of information from one person to another without using any known human sensory channels or physical interaction. The term was first coined in 1882 by the classical scholar Frederic W. H. Myers, a founder of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR), and has remained more popular than the earlier expression thought-transference.
... sensation or perception received at a distance without the normal operation of the recognized sense organs.
aka Remote Sensing
aka Remote Viewing
- you might also be interested in:
(see 03 Astral Projection)
(see 20 Dream Telepathy)
(see 31 Mental Projection)
(see 37 Projected Thermography)
(see 40 Psychic Manifestation)
(see 47 Remote Sensing)
(see 48 Remote Viewing)
(see 55 Thoughtography)
... physic photography. This explains the process a little better as thoughtography is the act of transferring images from the mind onto photographic film.
The idea is that the mental image is so strong that it burns into the film and can be developed as a photograph. Another term is projected thermography. This implies something of a more scientific nature that better explains the process of using heat and light to create the image. Whatever name you use, the idea is the same and only a handful of people have claimed to have the gift.
aka Projected Thermography
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(see 02 Apportation)
(see 29 Magic)
(see 37 Projected Thermography)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see 44 Pyrokinesis)
(see 58 Transmutation)
Thoughtography, also called projected thermography, psychic photography, nengraphy, and nensha (Japanese: 念写), is the claimed ability to "burn" images from one's mind onto surfaces such as photographic film by psychic means. While the term "thoughtography" has been in the English lexicon since 1913, the more recent term "projected thermography" is a neologism popularized in the 2002 U.S. film The Ring, a remake of the 1998 Japanese horror film Ring.
... Sound therapy deconstructs music into pure sound, harnessing the knowledge that sound can have a powerful effect on our emotions. Sound therapists believe that we are all made up of different energy frequencies. They use sound frequencies to interact with these, thus attempting to rebalance the body's energy.
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... The act of supernatural flight.
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(see Levitation)
,,, sensation or perception received at a distance without the normal operation of the recognized sense organs."The changing of Bodies into Light, and Light into Bodies, is very conformable to the Course of Nature, which seems delighted with Transmutations."
(see Manques Magique workshop)
(see Dragon workshop.)
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(see 02 Apportation)
(see 29 Magic)
(see 37 Projected Thermography)
(see 39 Psychic Protection)
(see 44 Pyrokinesis)
(see 55 Thoughtography)
What this law tells us is that we all have the power to change our life experience, situations and conditions. We all have that creative power and can use the universal laws in our favour. In this case, we merely act as conscious creators or alchemists manifesting matter or energetic experiences through the power and will of our minds.
Thoughts are energy. By focusing your thoughts consciously in a certain direction, that energy transforms to into the form your thoughts are creating. Physical form can manifest from the energy of your thoughts.
... Spiritualist art or spirit art or mediumistic art or psychic painting is a form of art, mainly painting, influenced by spiritualism. The spiritualism influenced art, having a pervasive influence on artistic consciousness, with spiritual art having a huge impact on what became modernism and therefore art today.
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... History suggests that runes are most likely to be the first mystical tools that are used to protect and connect to psychic insights. They were used by Romans and Germans way back in 150-800 AD according to pieces of evidence provided. The word rune means ‘secret whisper’ in different languages. This is an indication of the special powers that casting runes hold.
Celtic runes, magic stones, and Viking runes are the names used to refer to rune stones. There might be a small difference in how they vary but they use a similar or less similar runic alphabet.
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What are their uses? They can be used to give you guidance or foretell what the future holds and answer any questions that you might have. The old symbols can help visualize situations and help predict the outcome. Quite a number of psychics use their instincts and casting runes to get answers to particular questions as this helps them understand everything better and give them a clear future.
The magical symbols on rune stones were used for shields, amulets and to hide secret messages, in the past. Just like other well-known symbols such as hamsa, the runic alphabet has been used to provide protection and healing.
... Can a Medical Intuitive on the other side of the country, or even the other side of the world read your physical body, find root causes to your sickness and really help you develop your own personal plan for bringing your body back to its natural state of perfect health? Absolutely.
Our physical body has an energy blueprint. The Intuitive Wellness Scan perceives energy blocks, areas of stress and disease within the blueprint.
(see MIT Medical Intuitive class).
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A total, and intuitive auric body scan.Intuitive body scanning is a technique that can be used to determine medical or health blockages in people and animals. Medical intuitives, professionals who seek to complement traditional medical procedures with this technique, locate body parts that are blocked or in turmoil in order to expedite the healing process. There are as many different variations of the scanning technique as there are practitioners, but there are some basic approaches that you can try for yourself.Just as an X-ray machine scans a body in order to gain specific medical details, an intuitive scan works to provide an energetic portrait of the client. The premise is that the physical body has an energy blueprint and so the intuitive scan will look for energy blockages and areas of stress. Good health is, in general, considered to be clear flows of energy between all the chakras and easy, free functioning of all organs and body systems. Because this is an intuitive technique, scans can be done in person or from a distance with equal accuracy.
(310) 427-1700 | christian|TOREN www.christiantoren.LA | admin@christiantoren.LA
MODALITIES - mastering the ways of the Mage
Each day of the Modalities Weekend class introduces up-to 1 dozen ways, means and methods of the magician, alchemist, mystic, psychic, medium, clairvoyant and seer. The skill set before you goes far beyond the typical clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognisance. Telekinises can help you move things as can the manipulation of aetheric energy. Astral Travel, Remote Viewing, Mind Reading, psychic smell and psychic taste, reading the crystal ball, scrying are only a few of the great many modalities ChristianToren.LA is bringing to this series.
This is a TOTALLY FUN, fast-paced group commitment to learning the mystic arts with new friends. Christian Toren choses the modalities for these classes.