Esoteric Wisdom Phone 310.427.1700
Esoteric Wisdom Phone 310.427.1700 Esoteric Wisdom Phone 310.427.1700 Esoteric Wisdom Phone 310.427.1700
Christian von Lahr is a well-known spiritual mentor who is a featured guest at significant Metaphysical expositions and conventions, nationally. Over the many, years he may have appeared in your city, and may be returning soon. Or, sign up today to join our free Newsletter and keep up with his travels, trainings and treatises.
National promoters put on very sizable events, attracting audiences of 10,000 to 15,000 attendees. They also select from many notable speakers, authors, authorities and gifted people to appear at their special events.
Dr. von Lahr is a preeminent elucidator of the ancient wisdom. Countless decades of study and research have elevated Christian to the prestigious status of "Master Clairvoyant". There are only five (5) in the world, and you must interpret "clairvoyant" to be a multidimensional skill spanning all dimensions. He sees [for real]. He knows everything he needs to know [instantly]. He can communicate at [any level]. He has skills that transcend the limitations of mind, body and spirit. More importantly, he is a prophet devoted to developing these abilities in others.
The curious thing about the ancient wisdom is that it is vast. Its scope goes unnoticed by most persons, even if they are on an enlightenment journey. But, the ingredient you miss could spoil your recipe for existence. Let Dr. von Lahr bring the mysteries together so that you can become the master of your world.
In the past we may have had 900 to 2,500 years to learn all that "the Absoluteness" wanted us to know. Something went drastically wrong since our early days between the Garden of Eden and the Sumerian era of enlightenment. If we had our intended longevity, we would have eventually achieved our potential. We would be the Ascended ones looking down. Everything is the opposite, however. But, its nothing that a little wisdom couldn't cure (Including improving our longevity).
From time-to-time we'll post highlights of upcoming events below. If there is something you want to explore directly, use the menu, and drop down menus at the top of each page.
Working the “Right” (a spiritual term) way is what psychism IS SUPPOSED TO BE. All you need is training and integrity, and only Dr. Christian Toren von Lähr can deliver this vast program so quickly. You will DEFINITELY want to go through this track, after you complete Level 1 IT’S ALL ABOUT EXPERIENCE – but with a twist. In our SOAR Master Clairvoyant Development Course, YOU WILL EXPERIENCE REAL ARCHANGELS, Angels, Guardian Angels, Ascended Masters, deific figures – to the point where you can both SEE them, and CHANNEL them (“channeling” refers to HIGH CONNECTIVITY in the Heavenly realm, not merely “connections” with the other-side).
Connect “HIGH” – the Higher Self, Ascended Masters and even Archangels. Then come down to the Astral and get messages from the Other Side to provide guidance.
There is more to the systematic operation of the body. The first is a premise - that an individual's body was literally "intended" to break down a specific way. Things may seem random, but they are not. The MIT Graduate knows this, knows what to look for, and will determine the break-down plan you were born with. This will be correlated with the symptoms the Graduate systematically sees. Then those will be related to the patient's complaints to demonstrate that their health is predictable. That said, and presumed, the MIT Graduate Master Medical Intuitive can proceed to both diagnose, and to treat. Essentially, they want to insert themselves into the master break-down plan, and change it. Inferences of this methodology has actually already been demonstrated in medical laboratories, but unfortunately, the miracle stops there. The MIT Master Intuitive alters the Plan, and therefore, alters the health. The process now becomes "predictive" as the Intuitive guides the client into an entirely new health plan.
The day shall come when the wisdom is given from within via the soul and shall be understood from the soul. Then cosmic attunement and consciousness will be obtained, and no book knowledge can substitute for that. The student is then an initiate, and will discover that Theosophy is the wisdom of the universe and that everything true and good is Theosophy. The language spoken by the Hierarchy is Theosophy and the wisdom that all Masters possess is Theosophy.
Light came Out of the Darkness. When life fell from the Heavens, Wisdom began. The Archangels that were part of the Fall covered a third of the sky, ...they were many - and Archangel. But, this WAS NOT a negative, nor evil thing - quite frankly, it was the actual [INTENT] of the creation of the Physical Plane. Since the Fall, humans and life has been guided and supported by Archangels and Guides.
Starseeds struggle for the duration of their life with a sense of alienation; a feeling of not-belonging. This arises from a pre-cognitive awareness that they are not home.
Islam has a rich tradition of mysticism, known as Sufism. It emphasizes the inner, spiritual dimension of Islam and seeks to achieve a deeper understanding of Allah and the universe. Sufis use practices such as meditation, chanting and dancing to connect with the divine.
If you have been paying attention to History in your lifetime you will have developed a sense that soon after the noble beginnings of the Roman Catholic Church, dark forces with the most dire agenda has systematically infiltrated and ceased control of the largest religious body on Earth.
Archangel Gabriel has a message for you. And, this is a message as old as the world itself. Humans - that's you - are players on a board of life - and the other players are you, too. Humans are a select SOUL GROUP, a group of eight (8) beings, all of which are you.
If you have that feeling something is missing, then you are experiencing the first step in perceiving that you are, indeed, this group soul. Collectively, and eventually, these facets must come together, the angles on a diamond. But you don't have to wait - you can become complete now and become a winner now, and in all realms of existence.
When you have that subsequent feeling that life is futile, then you have advanced to that second stage of needing to find that greater purpose to your existence. Something that [must] define you - if you only knew what that was.
And then, there's that phase where you're sure there must be more to life - is this all there is? No, your [individual] experience is reaching out to find the totality of you. More to Life requires more of you. And there's the first hurdle. - there will need to be a shift in your sense of reality or how are you going to merge to become the king of this game? Alone, but fully in charge.
See [the Rapture] . [Parallel Lives] . [Putting it Together]
See [Life after the Election] . [Twin Flame] . [Ascension]
This physical Reality is but a level of the Divine accomplishments. Understanding those many levels, and how they affect us will give us the tools we need to understand life and progress.
See [Wizards] . [Dragons] . [Genies] . [Fairies]
See [Marques Magique] . [Modalities Weekend] . [Beads and Bobs]
See [Seership] . [Remote Viewing] . [Time Masters] . [Astral Travel]
Light came Out of the Darkness.
This is a new discussion amongst Christian's many past followers. It remains an enduring topic, and is touched upon now and again, when there is interest. When life fell from the Heavens, Wisdom began. The Archangels that were part of the Fall covered a third of the sky, ...they were many - and Archangel. But, this WAS NOT a negative, nor evil thing - quite frankly, it was the actual [INTENT] of the creation of the Physical Plane.
See [Path of the Prophet] .
See [Path of the Prophet] . [Heaven can Wait] . [Seership] . [Ascension]
See [Time Masters] . [Astral Travel] . [Remote Viewing]
See [Wizardry].[Wizards].[Merlin].[Druidism].[Albion].[Grail]
Our minds get in the way of any inherent spiritual gifts we may have. In a way, it is supposed to - the mind tends to normalize us across the family and community.
BUT, what if you are different? Christian, and those who follow his work, or similarly discuss such things, talk with you to help you understand when YOU are getting in your own way. You may have abilities and insights that can help you in life.
Enjoy discussions intended to convey the ways and means of the Prophet. Heaven can Wait - the ancients used the ways of the Prophet to forestall Reincarnation.
See [Heaven can Wait] . [Vatican] . [Path of the Prophet]
See [Pantheon] . [New Word Order] . [Time Masters]
Chris is the man behind the scenes - the wizard of orders, scheduling, customer service and the sales and marketing of all things wondrous.
Contact him directly at 310.427.1700 to inquire about a class, or place an order.
You can also see upcoming events at Myst of the Oracle.
Genies are perhaps the most quintessential and omnipotent guide Man has ever known. The wonder, spender and power of Genies still exist.
In early Islamic belief, jinn made up a world that existed parallel to humans: although they were invisible to humans, they existed in much the same types of communities and tribes. Just as people were defined by their relation to Islam, there were jinn that accepted Islam and jinn that did not. Jinn were essentially a reflection of the same beliefs and concerns that humans dealt with, but on a grander, more supernatural scale
It's All About the Magick
Learn how magic works and how to use a certain component in your mind. Learn how Magic works to bring about some good in your person, your life, your health, or your relationships, or as an act of compassion for someone else.
Discover how to set the framework for magic and then how to direct it.
Find out what not do to when doing magic - that renders it ineffective.
Find out how to do magic correctly so that it works and has a great outcome for you and everyone else.
Christian Toren offers a weekend of mixed psychic training whereby an assortment of modalities is introduced for demonstration, training and exercise - this fun-based experiential weekend is intended to give existing students some shorter, though experiential training and involvement with the plethora of "modalities" that interest psychics.
On these special Weekends, Christian chooses a vast selection from the possibilities below, and creates a correlated weekend of demonstrations, exercises and fun.
The **ULTIMATE** in Wisdom and Protection - **DRAGONS** This is why the dark side has tried very hard to invert the true message of Dragons and scare people away from them. Dragons were finally released on Oster or Easter weekend 2022 to do their very important and good work. Dragon ley lines have also been activated across the Earth! Have you made contact with your Dragon(s)? Have you seen Dragons in the sky and on land in the last 3 months? Brand New!
Learn how to go forward and backward in time. Are there such things as Timeline Wars, and Convergence, going on right now? Does the Light and the Dark side see the future, and can I learn how to see into the future by literally going there?
Perhaps you will have the opportunity to share your growth in life, and even improve you navigation of it. If we are in your area of the country, please drop by and say hello. For more information on Classes or to book a Clairvoyant Phone Appointment Call Chris: 310.427.1700
Email: Admin@ChristianToren.LA