When you are on your journey of greater site, you will be committing to a lifetime of incorporating this esoteric ability into your daily activities.
Your intent is to know outcomes before they occur.
The approach will involve involve understanding a wide range of abilities, learning them in a logical sequence, then applying them to your life. After that the world itself will start bringing out additional traits to round out your capabilities over your lifetime. The universe WILL inspire ro help you.
SEERSHIP INTRODUCTION: The Ultimate in Clairvoyance - See in wide panoramic vision future Conflicts and Events. Never before taught by Dr. Toren. It's like watching a cinemascope movie - with the end result of the conflict revealed. Wow your clients and yourself with a skill that very few on Earth have and formerly reserved
SEERSHIP INTRODUCTION: The Ultimate in Clairvoyance - See in wide panoramic vision future Conflicts and Events. Never before taught by Dr. Toren. It's like watching a cinemascope movie - with the end result of the conflict revealed. Wow your clients and yourself with a skill that very few on Earth have and formerly reserved only with the Prophets of past.
A Seer is one that precisely envisages events, actions, or developments. He or she is credited with extraordinary moral and spiritual insight.
Sometimes a seer is referred to as a clairvoyant, other references will call them prophets.
Seers professes supernatural powers as they can see into the future. This power allows the Seer to discover hidden knowledge. Their practice is to observe other realms of life and consciousness to [anticipate] the future.
These few Oracles were reverently called “Soothsayers,” as the term defines a [Truth Sayer.] Their incomparable ability was quintessential to the survivability of kingdoms - indeed, Kings and Queens of the ancient world could save countless thousands of lives be ascertaining the outcome of conflict and war through an infallible
These few Oracles were reverently called “Soothsayers,” as the term defines a [Truth Sayer.] Their incomparable ability was quintessential to the survivability of kingdoms - indeed, Kings and Queens of the ancient world could save countless thousands of lives be ascertaining the outcome of conflict and war through an infallible Seer.
See in wide panoramic vision future Conflicts and Events. It's like watching a cinemascope movie - with the end result of the conflict revealed. Wow your clients and yourself with a skill that very few on Earth have and formerly reserved only with the Prophets of past. Brand New!
o Predictive clairvoyance
o Futurism
o Outcomes
o Expanded vision (peripheral)
o How to use your eyes for crystal ball gazing
o Where to look, how to look, when to look
o Overcoming time and distance
o Vision angle measurement - beaded string technique
o Colored crystal ball purpose-requested Readings
Using the larger crystal balls:
Contrary to popular belief, size DOES matter - if your objective is
o Meditation and optional preparatory work
o Getting messages
o How to receive messages
o Going into a trance
o How to use your hands
o Envisioning color
o 3d (three dimensional) imaging
o Light manipulation for better gazing
o Building up your energy for crystal ball work
o How to use candles for crystal ball gazing
o Cleaning your crystal ball
o Covering your crystal ball, how, with what, and why
o Crystal Ball impurities can be a backdrop
o Packing, storing, and transporting crystal balls (some can be 50 lb).
Spirituality, esoteric philosophy, and biblical religions venerate the Seer as a [savior] and bestows upon them the karmic recompense of timeless indebtedness reimbursable in Life as longevity, health, prosperity, blessed procreation and honored enterprise.
The SEERSHIP students will be instructed in the art of [sight] beyond
Spirituality, esoteric philosophy, and biblical religions venerate the Seer as a [savior] and bestows upon them the karmic recompense of timeless indebtedness reimbursable in Life as longevity, health, prosperity, blessed procreation and honored enterprise.
The SEERSHIP students will be instructed in the art of [sight] beyond time and distance. Their proficiency will be demonstrated through numerous live and actual prophetic demonstrations and tests. The student's eyesight is measured in the development to assure their vision has been trained to perceive beyond normal visual capabilities.
To be posted.