In the beginning Love met Indifference, and things were never the same.
Life was rather unpretentious at first, but as it goes in nature - everyone, and everything began to struggle for their own particular expression. Not people as we would recognize yet, the initial Nothingness meets Bliss and then Khaos emerges in “the light”, …before “awareness” begins. A lot to go through just to create a little love.
As if that were not enough, fourteen later epic stages must unfold through Chaos-deities and Secondary-Airs, Dragons, Titans and Titaines, followed by Olympians, the Gods, the superhuman Sons of Gods, then their mischievous Demi Gods, …and lastly, a spectrum of Heroes, Mythical Creatures and marvelous Kings - all this BEFORE “Man” even emerges.
YOU DIDN’T SIGN UP FOR THIS, but something great did happen, “Man” has confounded all of these greater forces to emerge as one of the most preeminent species in the entire Universe - and here, you didn’t even know we were special.
But this great story unfolded over thousands, millions and even billions of years. If you want to know who you are, and why you exist, and why you are just so important - then you’re going to want to hear the story unfold. Complicated, indeed. In fact, no one ever before has put all things into perspective. Dr. Christiaan Toren takes you on an exhilarating journey over the magic rainbow, and then puts everything that defines you into perfect context. Every thought you have ever had, every feeling you have experienced, all that you know or expect to know [HAS BEEN INFLUENCED]. We have overcome an insufferable intrusion on our potential. We recognize that we are some irregular hodgepodge of evolutionary fragments, and somehow think we’ve put everything together, and everything in order. CNN says it’s so, BUT NO!
The true cosmogony is stranger than you are capable of imagining on your own. Eons of control and programming have blinded you from the truth. Because regardless the Universe’s natural process and sequences, vast forms of faster-evolving spiritual [and] Alien life visited this turbulent early world (many times) and altered the divined destiny of the ensuing “Man”, and quite a mess arose. Thus, a New World Order context, over a convoluted spiritual evolution, intermixed with extraterrestrial conquest produced a Pandora’s Box of existence, one that we have inherited
But you have to read the fine print - you’ve been cheated out of your estate! Did you know you SHOULD be healthy all the time, that you should be living MANY times your current years? Has it dawned on you that TIME is not right? Don’t you feel like you can hardly comprehend anything, …that your brain is like thousands of years behind the times? It took decades of pondering these questions before Dr. Christiaan Toren could scour all of history and philosophy, mythology and religion, and cultures and customs to definitively unravel the mystery of Life and determine our true destiny.
That said, he has put together a program where we can not only learn, but we can also use esoteric training to channel over a thousand potential consciousnesses to ask for answers, …AND REPARATIONS. Tykhe the blind goddess reminds us that Luck, Fortune, Chance, Providence and Fate were also blind, but as she so surely rules, your eyes and ears will be opened in the Pantheon class. Talk to this Oceanid, a Titaness actually, directly in class.
- Zeus -
“Perhaps you had better leave the race of man to me,” said Zeus. “What you call ignorance is innocence. What you call darkness is the shadow of my decree. Man is happy now. And he is so framed that he will remain happy unless someone persuades him that he is unhappy. Let us not speak of this again.”
Contact Myst of the Oracle for information on the New World Seminar, and the Series
The Earth and its early solar system, part of the much larger Milky Way galaxy, started out its existence in the slow, progressive manner prescribed by the Absolute God. Life began impeccably, and all was in order. Love maintained a perfect balance. That is until that wrench, “Free Will” God dropped into the mechanics of Creation started an agenda all of its own. Free Will applied to everything, not just the consciousness that later became man. The Planes of Existence [opened up] and the [Fall] of Ætheric, Prannic, Astral consciousness fell through before its time was due. Even Heaven parted to drop a little hope into this new game of cosmic “Pick Up Sticks.” Love, the once quintessential essence of life became an elusive objective instead, for all time. Every attribute latter attributed to man was first personified by the Daimones, and Fates and Charities, Spirits and Ætheric beings. The Fall allowed Khaos to unfold, Titans to be born, and giants and creatures to abound. Gods eventually materialized out of the evolution and conquered their fathers.
But life throughout the galaxy itself was already well underway before the tiny Earth took form. And when the Earth became hospitable, Alien life from faraway places decided to claim the blue marble in the sky for themselves. The contest then became alien vs the naturally emerging Earth forms, and this is where the DNA of the past became a plaything that is even now on the cover of every Newspaper. We did not emerge unmolested.
However, the endless stories and depictions show that this DNA that sourced life on Earth was resilient beyond all forms in the Universe itself. Aliens came here for a reason. But this travesty can still be resolved, we can get all of our toys back, and the wisdom we have learned from the ancient records shows that we can REVERSE the endangered course laid out for us. We actually DO still have an ultimate power. And we can use this to communicate with those species and gods that have overpowered us. Knowledge is the answer, and the Pantheon class empowers you. We will not only get the answers we require, but we will REQUIRE a correction to all the adversities that have befallen us.
We will become the masters of our own destiny again, and the unrequited love of Creation will now become our rediscovered birthright. This oversimplification is explored comprehensively in the Pantheon class, and the students will participate in creating their own empowerment. The Love you discover will defy any description you have heretofore been programmed to accept. You will understand this term in a whole new way, and it will indeed be a guiding light in your life because it too can bring the Truth out of the Darkness.
The Arrow, and Bow, appear in many ancient art forms, in mythology, religions and even modern governmental money and documents. NO WHERE have they told you it means, and has always meant, LOVE.
Eros was the Greek God of Love
Aphrodite, jealous of Psyche's beauty as men were leaving her altars barren to worship at the feet of a mortal, told her beautiful son Eros (the personification of intense love) to make Psyche fall in love with the ugliest creature on earth. However, Eros fell deeply in love with her and took her to his heavenly home. Love always wins in the end.
The Pantheon class delivers a page or more of information on each, of over 2,000 Creation entities, Titans, Gods and their offspring, Creatures, Heroes and special beings. An additional 10 pages is possible for those particular entities whom students individually choose to channel. This is more information than you would get if you bought everything that Amazon has to offer on the subject. Thousands of pages of documentation make up our Pantheon class materials.
Scores of Poets, Historians, Researchers and experts from other scientific, esoteric, magical, mythological, religious, and Ancient Alien experts too across time have sourced the wisdom we collect - most you will never have heard about it, nor are you likely to find it on your own. This is your opportunity. If you want to know, then let’s go…
Sagacity plays heavily in Pantheon studies, and only Christiaan Toren has provided a consensus based on all available information through the ages. This is h u g e . The initial search was divinely inspired, however, and much of it came from Heaven itself - that’s the esoteric part. THEN… the painstaking validation of scouring the great works over the years and providing the formal written and illustrated means that can be shared with students. We’re providing life-size charts that no one else would even attempt. The knowledge gleaned has inspired Christiaan’s renowned elucidations, too. Wit and wisdom combine to make advanced learning a thrill ride. Being smart was never been this much fun before.
To channel the Pantheon, you must show reverence. Where others have failed you will succeed. You see, you need to have the opinions of ALL the greats from the past, and the mythologies that ensued, …and the historian’s and researchers’ commentaries. Everything must be reconciled. Though, modern science and the vast interest in extraterrestrials and UFOs, alien visitors and Starseeds must be considered too - its 2021, after all - no need to wait for the NASA UFO edited clips - the real information has been hidden in plain sight all along. Christiaan is legendary for revealing the secret keys that have locked away the secrets of the ages.
In his own way Christian Toren is able to provide the comprehensive research - properly annoted - with his salient perspective on each of these. Gulp. Water is provided for free. There’s more, he has been able to go much further. Christiaan will put the entire story from Creation through the 14 levels of Pantheon (almost nobody would have even known this) together and still add in the modern interests and research. He delivers his lively dissertations on exactly what everything means, and still manages to keep the class highly interactive. Necessary? Absolutely. The past was written in metaphors, using available nature to arbitrarily justify the unexplained. We are beyond that now - we can put together the real story. There is no more “unexplained”.
Why so important, you may ask? Well, …there isn’t a single person out there today who has not crossed every category of being I have alluded to herein, including the aliens. You have to find out who YOU REALLY ARE, and why you are the unique composite that you present today. Across time [you] have been an active part in the great Pantheon story. But you don’t have any powers now. THAT’S GOING TO CHANGE! You are the survivors of the great ages - and there isn’t anything that has been written, demonstrated or inferred thus far that is not right now inherent in humans. You have been controlled and programmed to not even consider the possibility that YOU ARE THE NEXT PHASE, …but you were never told.
Learning your great gifts will require knowing first who and what you are comprised of - but that’s the Pantheon class. Your participation, though, provides the eye-opening awareness and demonstration of your powers. This is where we do the miraculous. Heaven will open up for you as you find you can directly channel those and that which has influenced you, …or even parented you. You’re going to have questions - the big ones. You need answers - the long ones. There is a lot of time to make up for, and you don’t even know what color cape you should wear today. You’ve got to get healthier, stronger, wiser - you have to exist beyond current limitations. You need to claim your roll-over minutes. You have to finally understand what having a destiny really means - which can’t happen without knowing your Past. Ayahuasca can’t fill in the gaps. Hindu guru hugs from Amma can’t take away the loss. Different classes of life and consciousnesses coincided and overlapped each other - the more current ones literally overrode the true forefathers. This means we are going to want to know how we’ve been intruded upon, interfered with, altered, dumbed down, limited and held back and repackaged as “New and Improved” when we’re actually anatomically confused Sponge Bob Gumbies in sustainable wardrobes. Then, obviously, we need those who did these things to fess-up, AND RECTIFY.
The later evolutions of the Pantheon included literally hundreds of Magical creatures. Did you know there were magical monkeys? Did you know that those ancient references to cows and bulls played out through religions, and now becomes extremely important in understanding just WHICH alien life has visited us, and where they come from? I’ll go one better - it can tell you why they came here to begins with, and WHY you have become part of an altered species.
You, as a student, will be channeling from all classes of beings - BUT ITS GOING TO BE FUN - when you start selecting the mystical beings you are [naturally] associated with. You’re getting this, aren’t you - you will be able to channel those mystical/magical beings and uncover that secret persona you have that you never share with anyone. But this time, you will [know] you have actual abilities.
Have you felt you should be invisible? Or, that you could or should be able to fly? Well, there are definite reasons for that. This sentence could grow into paragraphs, but you already get the idea. What you need to know now is you are, and have been, inhibited by [dimensions] too, you are not [just] a victim of evolutionary restrictions. Ah, ha … you’re beginning to see possibilities, aren’t you? What you are going to need, though, is some of that good old master mentoring from the ones that affected you to begin with - welcome to channeling the Pantheon.
I have already alluded to the overlapping of beings and consciousness. There are very many, especially early on, that play to our innate super-feelings, such as love. But there is also courage, determination, charity, compassion and every emotion that man embraces. These “Fates,” “Charities,” “Titaines”, “Secondary Airs” were actually consciousness as “beings”, as you will learn in the Pantheon class. And there are negative ones, too. All of these you must have to overcome, master and then use, as if YOU were the power of the Universe. It’s actually true - but you’d never know it from your current Facebook Bio.
Start your curiosity right now - are you unusually drawn to owls, … or cats or dogs, …horses, or even mystical horses like Unicorns and Pegusus? Are you still seeing double when most things come in threes? What about your odd connection to serpents or reptiles, exotic animals, beasts of the jungle, the milliards of birds of the air and fish of the sea. Your interests and draws will play to your past, and who you really are. As will your choices of Kings and Queens of the ancient world, Heroes, Gods or the Sons of Gods instead, Titans vs Gods …it all means something.
PANTHEON. This isn’t about changing your life - its about finding it!
When has Justice and fairness been more desperately needed? The Greeks called on the great Goddess Athena, and the Romans called on her counterpart Minerva. Speak directly to them in the Pantheon class and channel the wisdom you need to ensure fairness and justice. We provide a special training whereby you create your own artifacts, and use them to guide you on exactly how to channel, then you can record and write that down. Our students usually photographic their momentous channelings in Dr. Christiaan Toren's classes.
There is a particularly popular Titan in the Pantheon class, and that is Atlas, the god who held up the world. This avatar of a description must have played out in the very formation of this Earth, and so in that sense, this is likely literally true. And only a Titan could do it.
But that was long ago, and far away - now, we are mere mortal human beings, but things are relative. These consciousness of the great ones still exist, but we must have some reverence for their contributions and sacrifices if we want to ask them "How'd you do that?" We all need this strength to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, from time to time. At the Pantheon class you can channel Atlas directly - after some focused training from the class and instructors. You will learn to channel not just heavy words, but the lightness that wisdom brings.
You grew up wanting to believe in Greek and Roman heroes, magical beasts and mythical creatures. Yet, you were taught mythology was a fantastical thing.
You were deluded. Mythology is the ENTIRE story of Creation itself, one the ancients saw as developing over 14 levels of ensuing consciousness.
You can actually channel these mystical gia
You grew up wanting to believe in Greek and Roman heroes, magical beasts and mythical creatures. Yet, you were taught mythology was a fantastical thing.
You were deluded. Mythology is the ENTIRE story of Creation itself, one the ancients saw as developing over 14 levels of ensuing consciousness.
You can actually channel these mystical giants of Creation's wisdom, you can learn to see the mystical creatures, and you too can benefit from the powers of the Demi-Gods and Heroes.
A greater Love Story has never been told. That love which is housed in the Divine Creation is expressed through its muses, heroes and Gods, ... personifications of the Will, Wisdom, and the Action of the Divine. Inherently, it weaves it' true tales with the ubiquitous fabric of Love.
When you see all of the characters, as elements or pie
A greater Love Story has never been told. That love which is housed in the Divine Creation is expressed through its muses, heroes and Gods, ... personifications of the Will, Wisdom, and the Action of the Divine. Inherently, it weaves it' true tales with the ubiquitous fabric of Love.
When you see all of the characters, as elements or pieces of the great story then you can see the civilizations of mankind unfolding and expressing themselves as lessons of life.
The ancient power never went away, it has simply been ignored.
When you learn both who the Gods were, and [what] they were, you will finally understand the Greatest Story Ever Told, was stripped away from you like a magician's magic trick.
Don't be fooled - you ARE a product of the Pantheon, and therefore, all that it represented still exists in the minds and bodies of man.
Now comes the part where you
When you learn both who the Gods were, and [what] they were, you will finally understand the Greatest Story Ever Told, was stripped away from you like a magician's magic trick.
Don't be fooled - you ARE a product of the Pantheon, and therefore, all that it represented still exists in the minds and bodies of man.
Now comes the part where you learn just where you fit into this grand plan, and discover the great and mystical powers that your have.