IThe ability to astral travel is a lot more common and easier to do than people may realize. We all leave our bodies during the night when we sleep. Just enough of our soul essence is left behind to keep the soul connected to the physical body to keep it alive and functioning.
Often we leave our bodies during meditation as well. I love exploring the other realms of existence using astral travel as my means of transportation. Anyone can learn about astral travel, what is it and how to do it effectively.
Many of us are not even aware that we have already traveled in the astral realm The definition of astral travel or astral projection is:
Astral projection (or astral travel) is an interpretation of an out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of an “astral body” separate from the physical body and capable of traveling outside it.
Reconciling the Reality of Astral Travel with Science
What is Astral Travel? Is It Really Possible? What is Astral Travel for item-based science? The answer to the question will always be “never possible“. Because the criteria for the evaluation of substance science are material. He cannot accept anything that exists beyond substance. For astral travel science, because reality acquisitions are based solely on sense organs; it cannot be proved, observed or evaluated. To question the reality of phenomena such as astral travel, you need to go beyond the criteria of existing science. You can start with dreams about the reality of astral travel. Perhaps it will be simple, but dreams are among the greatest evidences of the soul and the supra-life. It has no bond with the substance. We do not perceive anything that we perceive in the dream with our sense organs. In your dream, when you cut your hand with a knife, you will feel burned, you feel the pain, but in fact your hand has not been cut. When you enter the environment for the first time, you remember that environment you have seen before, a moment in your life, you’ve seen the feelings you’ve seen before. Examples can be increased, but I do not want to extend too much because our subject is not the reality and proof of the soul.
In short, if you believe in the existence of the Spirit (Energy body), you know that the extra-physical journey is possible even if you believe that there is a boundless spirit within the boundaries of certain divine rules in time and space. Because a substance without a substance can be bonded with the substance but cannot be convicted. Only the substance can limit her ties.
[courtesy] Astral travel has been handled separately in parapsychology and Metaphysics. In parapsychology, astral travel is defined as “out-of-body experience” or “out-of-body travel“; In the metapisis, it is expressed as “consciousness projection“. What we know is the closest parapsychological approach to the definition of out-of-body travel because the concept of consciousness projection is not enough to define precisely the extracellular travel. The projection relates to the transmission of an image to another point, which will be more clearly understood when diversifying the astral journey below. The travel of the material which is made up of two basic parts as matter and substance beyond the material body by going beyond the material body is defined as Astral travel, ie non-physical travels. However, until this point, the different layers in the human cause fallacies and the images in the unconscious and the mind can be confused with a real astral travel experience.
It is the stage of images formed by the effect of their own desires and desires and subconscious records during the period when the person is still in the go stage. Just like the images in deep trance or under hypnosis. Images are shaped according to the knowledge and experience they have gained in life. The accuracy of the images is not clear. Even though there are partial real outputs, it is not possible to say anything about all f them clearly. Astral travel remains a concept that cannot always be sure, as most of those who are engaged in astral travel or who say they do astral travel do not get stuck in this phase.
This phase is like different versions of the conscious dream. The opening of consciousness in the dream, conscious orientation in trance, opening of consciousness during the transition to sleep can provide the transition to this phase.
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Matter is the soul that is active because the distance between the body and the Energy is significantly shortened. Real travels go beyond the matter because the material is not connected to time and space as the body. Displacement from the article plan, objectivity in evaluating the events, feeling itself in release in the void, opening in perceptions, seeing extreme psychic sensitivities, physical breathing, changing of the body frequency, feeling the energy flow, feeling and increasing the vibrations at certain points of the body, the main features of this universe between. The person thinks and lives at the level of mana rather than at the substance level. The bond with the substance does not go beyond necessity. A constant calm and serenity are observed. Concerns, worries and fears have lost their meaning in this state. Their perspective on life and people alters completely. Travels are real and can go wherever they want. However, it has no effect on the physical world. Travels are spiritual apart from matter. In this phase, “Precognition” features appear. This is not the informant. It is an image of variable and undefined events. Visions of dreams, snapshots, or what happened during or after travel may be related to events that are likely to happen in the future.
In this phase, both matter and spiritual travel is concerned. Materialization and Dematerialization have become possible. Because the soul is superior to matter, matter has no effect on the soul. The restrictive provisions of matter and matter are replaced by the sovereignty of the soul. Going from one place to another, more than one place at the same time, standing in a physically located place in fact, both mentally and physically in other places, the physical effects from the material beyond the seen at this stage.
We've teamed up "Remote Viewing" with Astral Travel to add a new twist to the Remote Viewing, and more usefulness out of the Astral Travel. In this course we are GOING TO GO THERE, and procure something that constitutes or substantiates Remote Viewing.