Your connection to everything
Everything in the psychic arts is occurring above us. You heard that right, these energies are NOT from here, you actually bring them down to you for your temporary use. You body was created to do this, to work this way ...WHAT HAPPENED. Well, [people] got in the way. Now, we think of these arts, which are more correctly stated as "senses" as something gifted to only a few highly spiritual people. HOGWASH - it is NOT a [gift], it is an inherent ability that you have been brainwashed into thinking isn't even necessarily real. The odd thing is, the twist, is that [that] energy is far more real than you are. Something is backwards here ...and it just may be you. Come to SOAR and get yourself turned around.
Clairsentience is the ability to perceive what is not normally perceptible, or to sense something through subtle cues. This ubiquitous [mother's intuition] is a level of ability that most people have, and as such, is considered a prelude to our SOAR series. If you want to go beyond talking about it, reading Tarot cards, and lighting candles - come to the most advanced class in America for beginners. In our class you actually finish what you start.
Claircognizance is the ability to have a clear knowing or intuition about something, even if you don't know how you know it. This would be a level just above this SOAR series, and is an element of many of our classes.
What lies ahead divulges the fabric of existence itself. You can free yourself from the physical body.
REAL work, with REAL results using a genuine ability to ascertain situations, perceive in time-frames, extract facts, acknowledge life in other realms, determine answers to all problems, and to direct people on their true destined Path. These are uniquely obtained with TRUE VISION.
Each level is carefully designed to create a foundation for the subsequent levels.
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS IMPOSSIBLE. If you are going to do this, DECIDE NOW, use your INSTANT intuition as your guide.. Pull out your pendulum and see if it swings our way. We have a new series starting in January, 2025.
CHRISTOPHER VALENTINE is your host for the christianTOREN.LA website, and to the array of training programs and Readings by Christian Toren von Lahr. Christian has earned the esteemed level of accomplishment known as a "Master Clairvoyant". As there are only five (5) of these in the world, he is an opportunity for those in America to experience the ancient arts and wisdom. Christopher is never far from his side, he guards the portal to events and services, reach him today from the links and information to follow:
THE NEED IS REAL: The block to psychic abilities is intentional, bu default …until one wants to go beyond the protective limits of Physical world reality, and back to a more natural experience of awareness, without limitations. Christian Toren knows exactly what it takes to remove that block that was pre-instilled into every person, so they could live in a safe, protective, box. But eventually, like the Genies in the bottle, you want to come out be real boys and girls. There's only one REAL way - take the Christian Toren SOAR Psychic Development series. There is no failure - learn and earn, or sow and grow - you choice.
Weekend 1: Psychism Jan 4-5, 2025.
Date is now set officially - Sold-out!
Hurry call Chris 310.427.1700.
Weekend 2: Clairvoyance
Clairvoyance is not some imagined image in your head, its a way of seeing [FOR REAL] with your eyes wide-open.
Weekend 3: Mediumship
Channelling Messages from your Guides, Archangels, and Ascended Masters
Click into the Contact page HERE.
SOAR 8.1 is the Ultimate in Psychic skill building from the ground floor up. It is actually intended to accommodate beginners and practitioners alike ...taking you all the way up the ladder to Clairvoyance.
Day one creates an actual psychic skill set – a basis that sets the stage for amazing abilities to follow. You will complete this day able to go head-to-head and best contemporary psychics. You will be tested repeatedly in class in various ways to ensure competency, and for all techniques and protocols. This will ensure complete confidence and proficiency – even after you leave the event.
It is at this level that Psychism existed in the old world, the one where there was NO SCIENCE, NO MEDICINE, there was only [YOU], and you could solve all problems. Even Kings and Sultans, Queens and Rajas would consult with the true psychic, who back then, was also a Seer, Medium and Clairvoyant. Lives depended on your ability, your insight, your accuracy.
TAKE LEVEL 3 to become expert. Level 3 is beyond what 90% of people experience from psychics. [THIS] is why they really come to a psychic counselor - WISDOM. Instead of entertaining them, HELP THEM. At this level you become MASTERFUL!
You bring the commitment; Christian will bring OUT the talent. It is there, it HAS to be there – no human can physically exist today if they had not (very) long ago mastered psychic talents – we evolved in the Astral PSYCHIC world first. However, reviving the old “Skeels” is going to take some professional guidance.
AFTER YOUR SOAR SERIES, there are more advanced classes you can take such as our "Parallel Lives" and "Beyond Budha" class. If your mind is able to imagine the difference between your Reality, and what you think your reality should have been, then the key exists to to unlock a fantastic world of transformation.