We are pushing the limits of human interaction with the Universe.
Learn how to go forward and backward in time. Are there such things as Timeline Wars, and Convergence, going on right now? Does the Light and the Dark side see the future, and can I learn how to see into the future by literally going there?
Learn how to go forward and backward in time. Are there such things as Timeline Wars,
Learn how to go forward and backward in time. Are there such things as Timeline Wars, and Convergence, going on right now? Does the Light and the Dark side see the future, and can I learn how to see into the future by literally going there?
Learn how to go forward and backward in time. Are there such things as Timeline Wars, and Convergence, going on right now? Does the Light and the Dark side see the future, and can I learn how to see into the future by literally going there?
Time travel can mean different things to different people because we have different destination objectives. In other words, our Reality will be relative to our intent. Therefore, the course is three weekends.
At the simpler level we can master time from our own, current Physical Reality. The relativity here is tightly focused – we are simply interested in movement or influence in the Past, Present or Future …but IT IS OURS.
In the class we will demonstrate the mechanism for this form of localized time travel. You will be expected to learn the ways of this method and perform actual time travel where [change] is introduced, and where it is measurable. Our preliminary focus will be limited more in that we will correlate the training to YOUR lifetime (or lifetimes).
The true power of Time Travel is its ability to utilize different dimensions.
Dimensions, especially those that exist separately in different Planes of Consciousness, each have their own associated and attentive powers. With powers, the life forms in those dimensions have different [SENSES] to connect naturally with their abili
The true power of Time Travel is its ability to utilize different dimensions.
Dimensions, especially those that exist separately in different Planes of Consciousness, each have their own associated and attentive powers. With powers, the life forms in those dimensions have different [SENSES] to connect naturally with their abilities. By way of example, we humans are focused in the Reality of “the Physical Plane” of Consciousness. Yet, when we go to sleep, we move on/up to the “Astral Plane” of Consciousness. The Physical has 4-dimensions, though the Astral has 14. The Plane above these has 256-dimensions. This disparity will reflect sundry [special powers] intrinsic to the dimensions and Planes. Ergo, one coming from the most limited Physical Plane of 4-dimensions GAINS POWERS when they can use the higher dimensions and planes.
There are ways to demonstrate dimensions, and even some dimensions in this and other Planes. We will be introduced to these and use them as informational tools. In this method will lie the means to change where you are dimensionally, and on any particular Plane. The rub is that TIME will work differently in every one of these areas. Thus, DIMENSIONS can be the difficult part of the course because one must master at will our choice of dimensions and planes. THEN we can use ‘time” as our tool, but from the prospective of the new dimension.
As a master of time, one has the power to control their own evolution, and to influence the outcome of the world - Past, Present and Future. However, this is done more precisely by placing your consciousness in the proper Timeline track. Thus, your awareness will be from the perspective of the Timeline you are now focused i
As a master of time, one has the power to control their own evolution, and to influence the outcome of the world - Past, Present and Future. However, this is done more precisely by placing your consciousness in the proper Timeline track. Thus, your awareness will be from the perspective of the Timeline you are now focused in.
Time-Line tracks are not continuous, nor contiguous. They are linked segments. It is through this construction means that we can go back in time and alter our own participation, which would then link up the future prospective elements accordingly. Ergo, Time, and the Timeline tracks are dynamic. As such, they would of necessity also be infinite.
We exist in a Timeline track by an exercise of our “free-will”; which is in itself existent at the whim of the collective “free-will” at [the] time. Any individual Timeline Track is independent of the other possibilities – however, and regardless, there [are] an infinite number of them. As these are [potentials], not necessarily Realities, expressed Reality is technically speaking, dynamic. [FOCUS] is how we can exist and function in the infinite realities.